Saturday, March 15, 2025


      As I was cleaning up breakfast this name came into my head from out of the blue. I tried to remember something about it. 

    First, it was part of a children's rhyme or song. But where did it come from? Could I think of a line. The only line I got was wrong. It was, "Wee Willie Winky went to bed with his underwear on."

    Later in the morning when I had time I looked it up on the internet. It is of Scottish background from around 1841. It was meant as a rhyme to get children to go to sleep. 

    Then I remember Mom used to sing or recite this to us very often when she was putting us to bed. Here's the first verse. 

 Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town,

Upstairs and downstairs in his night gown.

Tapping at the window, crying at the lock, 

Are the children in bed, for it's past  ten o'clock. 

      There are 5 more verses.  There are many versions in the original Scottish accent. When I play them I can't understand them. 

    I remember how my Mom was excellent in reciting and reading things to us. 

      So it was a morning with a pleasant memory. Did any of you have this nursery rhyme sung or recited to you? Did you use this nursery rhyme with you're own children.

    For sure I'm going to be in bed by ten o'clock. But then I'm old!


  1. I remember that poem. Yep, read it out of a reddish-orange hardback Craftsman ? children's book series. Around 1959. I'm old. At least the rhyme is older. Linda in Kansas

  2. I do remember the few lines from this rhyme. I can't remember when and where I heard it though I know it wasn't from my mother.

  3. My memory is bad, I do not remember having nursery rhymes sung to me. It is a pleasant memory for you! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

  4. I only remember that verse. I’ll look up the rest!

  5. Yes. I blogged about it last year.

  6. I had a book of nursery rhymes that I read to my children. That was one of them. How about "The owl and the pussy cat went to sea in a beautiful pea green boat..."

  7. I might have heard it before as it does sound familiar but it wasn't ever recited by my Mom or Dad at bedtime. !0 o'clock is way too late for children!

  8. I know it from an illustrated book of nursery rhymes that I had as a child, and then again another book of rhymes that my children had. We didn't sing it though.
