Friday, August 16, 2013

I Can Still Draw a Crowd.

    I like most people appreciate an audience when I perform!

    I have ridden my bike about 28000 km since 1988. I average over 1000 km per summer.

     With 28000 km there are chances for an accident or two. I've had some. I only had one major accident and that was only a very bad  bruise and lots of road rash. 

     A few nights ago I had a small tumble( more like stumble) on my bike. No harm was done... two little road rashes. 

     I was using a cross walk to get to the traffic light where I could press the button for a walk light that would let me cross the street safely. Cars are in the process of making a right turn when you're in the little cross walk. I had checked for cars and I didn't see anybody I thought was making a right turn. When I was crossing I saw a vehicle making the right turn and I didn't think it was going to stop. I took evasive action which turned out to be awkward and down I went. 

    My fall must have been interesting to say the least as two cars stopped to ask if I was okay and two cyclists stopped as well. So I drew a crowd. 

    Now what I'm really pleased about is that four people stopped to see if I was all right. I appreciate their caring and concern. I feel better about this place that people do care. I just wish the first car that blew by making the right turn had stopped. I would have had some things to say to him/her!

    I also look back and think how fortunate I've been doing something I really like and being safe.

    Now this is one that I don't have any pictures of.

     Some blogger comments recently were about laughing when some one falls. I'm sure they would have laughed at me when I fell the other night.


  1. Glad you were not seriously hurt! That darned driver! Lucky he didn't run you over!! This is why I only ride a horse! :)

    1. Ya, I guess a car wouldn't run over you on a horse. But can you trust that darn horse?

  2. A dollar to a cent that somebody got your picture.
    Are you sure they stopped to render aid?
    I suspect at least one was laughing.

    I'm glad you are fine.

    1. Thanks. You got your three cents in! yes, with all the cameras around , I'm probably on face book someplace.

  3. Falls always seen to happen in front of an audience. It can be so embarrassing. That was encouraging knowing some people cared enough to inquire if you were okay. I think it is terribly rude to laugh when someone falls, but that opinion comes from someone who is often a falling victim.

    1. People who laugh say that they are embarrassed . It just comes out.

  4. Nice you didn't hurt yourself - as for the driver that sped off - WHY OH WHY DO PEOPLE DO THAT?
    Great that you had 4 people stop and ask you if you were OK - they would be now - new BFF in my book. Then - I might've laughed outta nervousness, had I been on the ground after I realized I was OK. KUDOS to your rescuers.

    1. Funny how I get up as fast as I can. I guess I hope nobody has seen me.

  5. I don't think I would have laughed, Red. I don't usually laugh when people fall. I've also never been a fan of slapstick comedy. Glad you're okay! :-)

    1. Most people don't laugh but some seem to laugh even though they don't want to. Yes, slapstick gets pretty silly.

  6. well, except for the idiot that caused you to fall, it is nice to hear of kind people checking on you! bless them - bless you and stay safe and unbroken! :)

    1. They certainly impressed me with their concern.

  7. Glad you're alright! There are plenty of good people in the world.

  8. There are good people, caring people in this world. It's nice they stopped to check on you...Glad you weren't seriously injured.

    1. I was pleased that they cred enough to ask about me.

  9. I think, Red, you would have heard a giant intake of shocked breathing from all around.
    I hope you didn't tell your family! :-Q
    My hubby often says, "Don't tell the kids about this one!"

    1. Yes , I guess there would be a oh no or two. Yes there are some things you don't tell the kids. The kids will know about this one.

  10. Red it's good to hear there are still people who care out in this world of ours, good on them for stopping to ensure you were alright.

    And kudos to you for all the miles you've covered, now that's impressive!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. These people impressed me with their concern. Hey, the weekend is half over. I'll have to go back being retired on Mon.

  11. I know I wouldn't have laughed, but I can understand how rewarding it must have been to see those folks stop to ask if you were okay. Nice community.

  12. So happy that you weren't seriously hurt. It helps restore one's faith in humanity when you run across truly caring people.
    Thanks for the feel good story Red!

    1. I just feel good that there wasn't any more gravel rash!

  13. Go back and do it again - and make sure there is someone there to get a picture this time!

    1. Well , as some of the commenters have said, "I bet somebody has a picture."

  14. Laugh? Nah, we're Canadian, eh? Too polite to consider laughing. I'm glad no harm was done, Red. :)

  15. THere still seem to be a lot of caring people in the world. I'm glad so many stopped to check on you!
