Monday, August 19, 2013

Heritage Square

   A few posts ago I set out to get some photos of Heritage Square. That is before I came up over a berm and through some trees to find a spray park. That is before a did some tricks on my bike that people liked. So those posts had to be done before this one.

    So here is our Heritage Square. Our heritage Square is a work in progress. There is room for it to grow but by the looks of it people have lost interest in adding on to the square. 

    I really wanted to get the Loft House. I found it hard to photograph as I ran out of room. I found that is was far more interesting inside than outside. It is filled with all kinds of all things Norse. Of course it has a gift shop. The facility is open during the summer months.

The entrance with flags. I missed the sodded roof which is a feature of this house.

     An interesting little building which was rescued before it was destroyed is the first store that opened in Red Deer. It had been moved several times and was being used as a storage shed behind a downtown business. It's hard to believe that business was carried on in this small 14 by 20 building.

The original store in Red Deer
  This is a close replica of the first Red Deer school. It has been set up inside so that classes can be taught.

This is not a very large building

Fine workmanship went into this replica as I'm sure went into the original.
 Now I shouldn't tell you that there are two steeples from local churches. The steeples were rescued before the churches were demolished.


  1. Those are some cool looking buildings.

    1. There's nothing left like this anymore.

  2. I'm catching up. I love the spray park, and your description of how you take shortcuts through town.
    I hope Heritage Square is not abandoned. I have seen some wonderful outdoor museums of old buildings in Europe. We need to protect our history.

    1. I don't think this will be abandoned but it's in a rest period. Yes, it's valuable to keep a sample of things.

  3. These are such quaint buildings. You don't see many like that anymore. Looks like a really nice area.

  4. the tiny store building is so cute! my, that must have been hard to keep any regular inventory in it!

    1. Well, there weren't many people here so they didn't need a lot. They had a limited variety.

  5. Red this sounds and looks like an excellent place to visit. I love the replica of the old school, they sure did a fantastic job putting it together. It would be nice to see Heritage Square grow, I personally think that people just get too busy in life and tuck projects such as this away in the back of their minds.

    1. It takes some movers and shakers and right now we don't have much going.

  6. That is a nice open air museum, the first one looks like a Norwegian house I just saw on my holiday.

    1. Yes, it is a Norwegian house. I saw one on your post and I thought I should look at this pone.

  7. Clearly heritage is a priority with your town. Glad that they have funds to do that.

    1. We're going through a dry period right now and I think it's lack of funds.

  8. You'll have to go back and take some more photos of the Heritage House Red, including maybe some of the treasures inside and the roof of course. Very interesting post. Nice to see olde buildings with history preserved, Eh.

  9. Those little buildings are so unique. It seems they could do a lot in a small space in those days!

    1. There weren't that many people and they only had very basic supplies.

  10. It's great that your heritage is being preserved and protected.

    1. There's not enough preservation as far as i'm concerned. We do need to tell our stories to go along with these buildings.

  11. We have so many homes like this!

  12. Interesting looking place! I would like to visit there:)
