Thursday, October 5, 2017

Eye Examination Day

      Today was the day for me to get my eyes checked. Here, seniors get a yearly eye examination from  Alberta health care. That yearly check makes sure our seniors are active. It also ensures that any eye problems are diagnosed and treated promptly.

     A few weeks ago I had my annual check up and passed with flying colours even though a test gave me some worries until I got the results.

    Today I also passed my eye exam and was declared healthy and that I could drive my car.. I do not have a change in my prescription. Cataracts are not an issue at this time.

    Now one of the great things about my eye exam is that I have an awesome optometrist. He's quiet, gentle and thorough. I certainly feel comfortable and confident that I will be examined in a professional manner.

      Now the kicker with my optometrist is that he is a former student of mine. So I not only get an eye exam but have an awesome visit. We catch up on all kinds of people.
:teachers, students. We also catch up on each other's activities. He's just recently taken in a partner explained why. Business is something I have very little to do with. All his kids have grown and left home to some degree. He's old enough to think ahead to retirement and what he might be doing.

        So I get a first class eye exam and a very pleasant visit. Very few people are f ortunate enough to enjoy this situation.


  1. Well you had a pleasant exam and visit!! Good for you Red!

    1. This guy was one of those great kids that go though the school.

  2. Speaking of eyes, I am having trouble reading your posts now that you have had to alter your format. Can you make the text black if now larger?

    1. Hi Linda! You can make the print larger on any page by holding down the control key (CTRL) and pressing "+" as many times as you want. To go back to normal, use Control and "-". I do agree that the blue is difficult to read, but making it larger might make it a bit better.

  3. That is a unique situation indeed. You are fortunate and I'm sure you look forward to your annual examination for a catch up visit. Good you have no vision problems.

  4. Hello, it is a relief passing the eye exam. That is neat that the Optometrist was a former student, nice to catch up. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

    1. Hey, it's time to wish you Happy Thanksgiving

  5. I love running into former students in their adult lives. You are lucky in Canada that you get an annual eye exam covered. In the US Medicare doesn't cover that, nor does the supplemental insurance that I can (sort of) afford to supplement Medicare.

    1. Yes, it's cool to run into former students. Our vision care is great but hearing care stinks.

  6. Looking back it's a good job you were a kind teacher and probably gave the optometrist A grades for his work. If you'd been a mean teacher you would now be walking with a guide dog and a white stick.

    1. Dean earned every mark he got and then some. He was one of those mature kids who had life figured out.

  7. Congratulations on having healthy eyes, Red. I wish I didn't have to go through this cataract surgery, but everyone assures me that it's no big deal. No fun to have your eyes cut into. I'll be glad when it's behind me. :-)

    1. Some day I will be in line for cataract surgery.

  8. Always good to get a clean bill of health on something like the eyes. I only need glasses for driving.

    1. I need glasses for everything but that only came on in my late 40's.

  9. It's nice to have a congenial relationship with those who look after our health. I'm sure your optometrist enjoys your visits, too. And yay for not needing expensive new specs!

    1. Most professionals these days try and be more of a people person.

  10. How fortunate you are. Eyesight is so important and yet we often take it for granted.

    1. Yes, I'm very careless when it comes to sunglasses.

  11. How neat!! Always great to see former students who are doing well. We live in a small town and most of the business and professional people are former students. Though when I'm pulled over at night for speeding and when I roll down the window and am greeting by a uniformed officer "Well good evening Mr. Troutbirder" I know this could be embarrassing...:)

    1. I haven't been so lucky to be pulled over by a former student. I enjoy former students and find some who feel they have to apologize for their misbehaviour.

  12. Hi Red, I just learned (on someone else's blog) that she had to buy an app Blog Plus Pro (from Google Play Store) in order to upload photos on her blogger blog. She did mention that it uploads big photos and so you may need to play around with your settings. I hope that works for you.

  13. That is really nice that your optometrist is a former student! This post reminds me that I'm due to get my eyes checked.

  14. How cool to be treated by a former student, knowing that you helped contribute to the person they are today. That's got to be fulfilling. (As long as the former student likes you and doesn't "accidentally" stab you in the eye! :) )

  15. Congrats on those good results Red, so nice to have confidence in those professionals who take care of us.

  16. My husband is shorthand instructor since 24 years.

    He often encounters with his former students that hold on good govt services now

    3 days back when we went for my eye check up there met him a technician who wanted to give some protocol out of his respect but my husband said we wll wait for our turn .

  17. Hi Red, Your very last sentence in this post is so true! Well, for one thing, it looks like Canada has the best vision health system! Dang, we can't get much agreement on health care down here. And, wow, I love the part about the visit with your former student. How cool is that! Thanks for the neat post. Have a great week ahead!

  18. You're absolutely right. You are very fortunate indeed. Congratulations on a great appointment!
