Wednesday, February 21, 2018


     A few weeks ago a blogger commented on "composing" a post. The composing caught my attention and I have been thinking about it ever since. What has to be done to put a blog post together?

    First , I have to think that I have something to say. My Mom's advice was to say thank you and then sit down. Some people may disagree with me but that's allowed. Now I don't post on a regular basis. I don't have the time or ideas to post everyday.

     In my case, I may have a few topics in my head. I have to list them or I'll quickly forget them. When I decide on what topic I want to write on, I roll it around in my head. I think about information that I have or need. I think about the order that I want to say things . I wonder if I have any photos.

     I have all of these things in my head and then I sit down and write. I usually go over things two or three times. Sometimes I add things. Other times I change the order and sometimes things are better left unsaid. 

    Sometimes it's very hard to come up with a topic. There's just nothing I want to say. So sometimes I'm absent for a while. One has to have a little fire in the belly to keep on posting.

    Then , I pick my font, print size and run spell check. Oh yes, throw in a few labels. And let my friends on Face book know I've posted . Then I also ping it. I don't know if pinging does any good but it was recommended in Blogging for Dummies.

      I like to keep my audience in mind and try to attract other readers. That's part of writing. Sometimes I write for myself and other times I think of readers. Most of the time it's probably half and half.

     Now I notice many different writing styles out there. They're interesting or I wouldn't follow them. It's part of what makes blogging interesting.

    So how do you put things together? Well, okay, if you don't want to give your secrets away that's okay.


  1. Very true what you say Red. I find I either have too much to say or not enough to say. In both instances I probably post less often. I always enjoy reading your posts.

    1. I don't think you should worry about the too much or too little. I read many excellent short blogs and many excellent long blogs!

  2. I think my method sounds a lot like yours. I don't go ro und trying to think of posts, I just think of something and think it would make an ok post. usually, by the time I decide it would be an ok post I already have a good idea of what I will say so then i just sit down to write it. I always insist on writing it all in one sitting and then publishing so if I am trying to say something complicated or i think the wording is especially important I will take an hour or two writing and editing but with some posts I write and edit as i go and it's all done in a short time. I pick a photo from google unless i happen to have one i like and hey presto! I'm done.
    I usually pick up a half dozen typos and spelling mistakes after I publish, even though i thought i edited so there might be a few changes made and i also do those changes all in the same sitting.

    I mostly write what i want but i will respond to questions or ideas from other bloggers and i sometimes tailor a post with a particular reader in mind but obviously it would be impossible as well as stupid to do too much of that.

    I enjoyed your post, it's always interesting to hear the process

    1. It's interesting to read your pattern of writing. I can see myself in it. Keep up the good blogging

  3. This is a very interesting post because I do not have a blog but have often thought about starting one. I enjoy reading about how others go about writing blog posts and I have even gone back to the first few posts ever made on many blogs in order to see how they started. You and the other bloggers out there should be quite proud to write on a regular basis and for many years at that! I feel I have made many friends through reading your blog and others and I think you are all just incredible! Maybe someday I'll get brave enough to give it a try, but in the meantime thank you Red for all your enjoyable and informative posts including this one!

    1. Hey go for it. Start a blog. You will find something to write about.

  4. I am more of the photoblogs and make my text around them.

    1. You're an excellent photo blogger and give us an excellent description of Holland.

  5. I have been composing blogposts regularly since June 2005. For me it has been a marvellous outlet for writing in different ways about different things. Tpoics just come into my head and I run with them. I have never had to try too hard. I often feel inspired but I sometimes wonder if I should have put so much energy into blogging. Perhaps I should have saved up that energy and poured it into other writing projects.

    1. I really like your well structured and logical opinion pieces.

  6. I develop from the set of pictures I post and my experiences while taking them.

    1. You write an excellent blog with this style of post. You have obtained a good balance.

  7. My photoblog pretty much handles itself in terms of subject matter- I've got enough for every day. My writing blog I tend to do three times a week, and usually have enough ideas for two weeks ahead of time.

    1. I have got to start following your writing blog.

  8. My process is similar to yours, Red. However, putting myself on a twice-weekly posting schedule sometimes leaves me groping for a subject. But I want to keep the schedule because otherwise I wouldn't write much (or at all). I am a perfectionist which sounds like a good thing but it's not, because I put off doing things if I think I can't meet my personal standard. Blogging has helped me a great deal with that, because I force myself to write something and publish it, even if it doesn't seem 100% to me. That has trickled over into the rest of my life - I find myself saying under my breath: good enough is good enough! and it helps me start or finish something I wouldn't otherwise get done.

    I'm always interested in other peoples' thought processes, whether it's writing or photography or problem-solving or cleaning the house or ANYTHING, really . . . My thinking gets tangled up with the need to be perfect and I like to see and learn from others' insights.

    1. Perfectionism is a curse. I live with one. I do enjoy your posts as they are well written! That's where the perfectionist shows up.

  9. I like how you wrote out your steps. Sweet and simple. I guess that's my approach too. If something comes to mind, I post it. Usually short. Usually sweet.

    1. To the point is what you do. I think short posts get more readers.

  10. I concentrate on my photos but am considering writing more. Your process sounds like my wife's process too. It does take time to make a blog interesting.
    Keep up the good work, your blog is interesting and I enjoy reading it.

  11. I pretty much have to have a few pictures to go along with what I want to post about. That way I don't have to think of a lot to say. I need to look up "ping" or "pinging". I've never heard of that.

    1. You put photos and writing together very well. I like the way you worry about things like the rabbit or the dog ...always something.

  12. I publish my posts on a regular basis. Thursdays are always about my hike, and Tuesdays and Saturdays about whatever is on my mind. I like the idea I see of simply posting a provocative picture with a short line under it when I cannot come up with anything else. I also write on Sunday mornings, a contemplative post and often have no idea what is going to come out when I get started. Sometimes the magic works, and sometimes it doesn't. It's all good. Love your approach, Red. :-)

    1. I find that you cover some very deep topics on Sunday. You have set patterns in your posts. You're predictable and easy to follow.

  13. I usually don't think about it...sometimes I will see something that is interesting so I take a photo. I just do it, spellcheck...what is software does not support that feature...oh well it is what it is:) I write for me and the Grands...anyone else that comes along on the journey is welcome as you always are:)

    1. You have a good focus and then you catch more fish along the way. You're always interesting.

  14. Hey Red, you will probably wish that had not done so, on my silly blog, but I mentioned your name in my last post. Just something I saw that reminded me of you. :)

    1. I missed "me" on your blog so I went back to look at it because I'm so "vain".

  15. Well, I think it's good to keep your audience in mind, and go over everything a couple of times, and only post when you have something to say. And your blog shows it ... which is why I am motivated to stop by and take a look at the interesting things you're talking about!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving some comments.

  16. I really like your process. Sometimes I write blog posts in advance and keep them for another day. Other times I just write things up at the spur of the moment. It depends on my mood and motivation!

    1. I think you were the blogger who talked about composing!

  17. I just love your mom's advice. I often think that "some people" do go on long after they have anything new to say! My process usually starts with what photos I have taken that are interesting. My favorite thing to write about is history and I figure if something.

    1. I find your history blogs very interesting. we are far away from southern history. You bring the history alive.

  18. If I think of a topic I usually try to find a picture to go with it. More often I find a few pictures from my files and then write about it either way works about once a week...

    1. You have some variety. I always wonder what I'll read next.

  19. Red I have always enjoyed your posts and I can tell you put a lot of thought into them. I had to change my blog site and am starting over. I thought I would do it the way I had always done it before with subjects and photos that interest my and interest my readers. Take Care B

  20. Hello Red, I enjoy your posts. I have to say I take the lazy way of posting more photos than words. Some people have a way with words like you do! Not me, I let my photos do the talking! Take care and I always appreciate your visits to my blog. Have a happy day and weekend!

  21. I write every day except the weekends. I suppose I need that little bit of stress to keep my brain working. I keep my eyes and ears open for something to write about. My husband also gives me ideas. I then find a photo and write. As for an audience, I keep the web crawler off my blog because it makes my kids nervous to have me out in cyberspace too much.

  22. I've found a lot of people are slowing down on their blogs. On a morning like today, freezing rain, sleet, hail, it's fun visiting people around the world.

  23. Hi Red, What a neat post this is. First of all, I enjoyed reading about how you put your posts together. Then, secondly, it was neat to read all the comments from your followers to see how they do the same process. As for myself, blogging has become a way of journalizing. For example, as the week goes by I will see some ships coming and going out there in Puget Sound. If the light is good and I can get a reasonably good photo I will consider using it in my Ship Watch segment. I apply the same thing to my Sky Watch segment. Beyond that, you know I’m a collector, especially old stuff related to railroads and National Parks. It’s fun to scan some of that stuff and put it on the blog. Then every once in a while I like to sit down here at the computer and go back and see what I posted, say 5 years ago. Well, I could go on and on but I’ll wrap it up and leave it at this. Thanks for sharing your blog. I look forward to seeing what your next topic will be and what you’ll have to say about it. Have a great week ahead and take good care. John
