Monday, April 29, 2019


     Sometimes my face book friends turn out to be much different from what I think. I've had two friends who I knew a long time ago turn out to be complete wackos...racist, anti LGBTQ, white supremacist

     I accepted a friend a couple of years ago who I haven't seen for about 25 years. I taught with the guy but not in the same school. He taught my kids and I taught his kids. We went to the same church. We were both on the executive of our teacher group. We knew each other very well.

   Now he had a big ego which could be ignored. He was lazy. He was opinionated.

    Now nothing prepared me for what I would see on his face book page. For a few days he will have ten to fifteen racist posts as in we will get Islamic law. Then he doesn't post for a week. Then you see something about white people and how wonderful the are. Then a political post where information is completely twisted. He gets all of these posts from a wacky source that turns them out.

    Now I don't wish to see any of this stuff. Yes, I know...unfriend him.

    But I wonder what makes people turn to the extremes of politics and life. What has happened to them?

    However, before I unfriend him I would like him to get the message that many don't like the garbage he posts. I don't think we should let these people spout off and go on and feel as if people agree with them. We have to express our disagreement to negative , hateful, untruthful twisted ideas.


  1. I think no matter what you say this person will not be persuaded. They just look for any excuse and freedom to post their garbage. I think if you scratch the surface of many people you think you know well you will find they have many views you do not agree with. I've certainly been surprised by some people I know and when I find things out I just try to keep some distance.

    1. I agree they will not likely change but I think they should experience some push back.

    2. Yeah give some push back so long as you know it might not have much affect.

  2. I have ventured into debates on Facebook and it is not very satisfying. My own sister is a Trump supporter who argues with "facts" that are nothing but proven lies but there is no persuading her. I banned political discussion in public with her. People as dug in as this "friend" of yours will not be persuaded, and will only get more nasty. At best, leave your disapproval and then get out. Do not engage. It is pointless. But yes, I do wonder how they came to be this way.

    1. I realize that the possibility of any change is extremely small. That isn't my intention. I would like to think that by disagreeing with them we may hear less of them.

    2. I do agree, Red, that these ideas gain traction when nobody challenges them.
      We may not change their minds but we can make it less acceptable for them to push a hateful agenda

  3. Hi Red, Technology is leading us down new roads and it there are many hazards along the way. It seems some folks have found an audience for their hate speech and that audience tends to reinforce and support itself. What I want to know is how people live with themselves when they have a heart full of hate. I see a couple of interesting comments above and I'm looking forward to see what some of the other will say. As far as how to handle this person you've mentioned ... I would unfriend them.

    1. Social media makes it very easy for them to spout off their nonsense.

  4. I don't know if you can change a closed mind, but it behooves all of us to state our distaste and disappointment in such people in a dignified way before cutting off communication. At least it lets them know that they do not have the world's approval. Sometimes disapproval is the only thing keeping all the "ism's" from spirally out of control. Look at how Trump has encouraged these ism's with his behavior and how it brought like-minded people out of hiding. Maybe we can never eradicate that behavior, but we have to keep expressing that it is not acceptable.

    1. Right on. They have to know that what they think is unacceptable

  5. Hello, it seems some people will always believe they are right. I like to believe everyone is created equal and no one is special. They have a right to their religion and they DO NOT have the right to judge others. I have unfriended some of my old Catholic school friends because it seems they have become white supremacists. So much for being Christian. They will not change, it makes me sad. I hope your day is great, thanks for your visit.

    1. Some people always believe that they are right for all the wrong reasons.

  6. I have unfriended or blocked everyone who once sent me these kinds of posts on Facebook. Now I don't see them and am very careful not to ever comment or make any reference to posts that I don't like. You can just block them all that way.

    1. I am very close to unfriending this guy as some days he puts on many posts.

  7. I heartily agree. I follow someone like this, just to see what they are saying. They believe everything they read. You can unfollow them, then check in when you feel like it. I feel the same, you want to point out the lies. It is difficult. These are people who have never met a muslim, they think, and fear someone with a different point of view, or religion, or colour.

    1. You and I know that to mix with others is one of the better parts of life.

  8. I un-friended one person years ago on Facebook because he began ranting racist, right-wingy, wacko stuff on my rare political posts. I have un-followed people whose political/personal views are antithetical to mine. I can still check in on them, but don't need to be confronted by their raging racist paranoia. Good luck.

    1. They play fast and loose with the truth. They find it easy to back up there ideas.

  9. My nephew was a coward and unfriended me because he does not like my ideas. He was a big Benghazi conspiracy fan. I do not feel bad and I never visited his site often. These people are afraid and need therapy...really! You can kindly unfriend your friend by explaining you totally disagree with much of what he says. I do not friend a lot of people who want my to friend them because I know their beliefs are very different than mine, even if we are friends and I am pretty political on my FB page as I think it is cowardly not to let people know where you stand on important issues.

    1. I will unfriend this guy as he puts out too many posts. Today he posted about 20 times.

  10. I have Facebook friends like that, too. (I think we all do.) I just ignore them. You can set your Facebook account to fix this: If you click on the three dots at the upper right of one of your friend's offensive posts, you should see an option to "unfollow" them. You'll stay friends but you won't see any of their posts anymore. Done!

    1. His comments irk me. I know that I can not change him so I know the best thing is to get rid of him.

  11. Some people just can't be reasoned with. It's best for one's peace of mind to move past them and not have to deal with them anymore.

    1. Unfortunately we find a lot of people who are unreasonable.

  12. There are so many people who spread the hate around. I don't bother anymore with facebook and don't miss it a bit.

    1. It's sad when we are made to leave something that has all kinds of good potential.

  13. I totally understand what you're saying. I hooked up with old friends on Facebook after losing track of them for years only to find out that not only do we have nothing in common but that they are shockingly nasty in what they share about other groups. Some people are just filled with hate.

    1. The filled with hate is hard to understand.

  14. Keith, you live in a bubble. Find someone to fix the damn header it's a disgrace to folk. While they are at it perhaps they could sort your font sizes. Maybe your observations could be treated with some gravitas.

  15. I have unfriended people for their heavy politics on Facebook...get over it already Trump is the president! Vote in the next election:)

  16. caged in deep dark well such people think this is world of their views

    they never change because they don't have courage to listen other's opinion with open mind
