Thursday, September 12, 2019


     Yesterday our Prime minister went to the Governor General and asked that a general election be held on Oct. 21,2019.

     We have a parliamentary system and this is the first time we've had a set election date. Usually a Prime Minister decides which time is best for him to have an election.

    We have 5 official parties running candidates.  Three of the parties run candidates in all constituencies. Three  parties are main parties Two parties are fringe and then many independents run on their own.

    It's sad that elections have deteriorated to name calling, lies and sleeze. One of our main parties likes to play it dirty. The other main party tries to keep out of the muck.

   Of the two main parties we have one that is right wing and promotes all the baggage  from that side. They have not presented a set of policies yet. They want to smear and criticize the other party. The other main party is more progressive. They've outlined policies and tell people what they'd like to do. 

    I used to be a political junky of some sort and followed current events keenly. Now I keep informed but that's it. 

    So you know that I'm definitely not a right winger. Their monetary policies don't work. They want to make huge cuts to services for the people care, seniors, armed forces. I think that people should come first. The big boys will do just fine looking after themselves. 

    So I have two progressive parties to choose from. I will listen to what they say.

   So that's it from me about our election.


  1. ...our right wingers keep trying the same tax cut for the top with the hopes of prosperity trickling down to the masses and their monetary policies don't work either, but they keep trying!!!

    1. In spite of some great failures they keep trying the same plan

  2. Between Election #43 and Trump 2020, it's going to be a long one.

    1. Well this cowboy isn't going to watch anything!

  3. Hello, I would hope your progressive party is environmentally friendly.
    I am worried about our 2020 election, I have a bad feeling it will be fixed and lean toward to greedy politicians. Have a happy day and a great weekend!

    1. Our progressive party is very worried about climate change and does have a plan.

  4. It is sad that regressives have made politics so rude, but it does not meant that the best will not be elected.

    1. It's hard for me to understand why people vote for the nasty parties.

  5. I will be glad to learn about your candidates and what happens in Canada. It seems pretty healthy when I compare it to our process. However, I'm glad we have so many to choose from on the Democratic side. :-)

    1. We have our problems with nasty politicians as well.

  6. I hope the progressives win there, and here next year. Our planet needs help, and the rich have already plundered so much of it. Time to make a big change.

    1. Our progressive party has a plan and we have a carbon tax levy.

  7. Your political world sounds much like ours. I don't like anyone running for 2020. I guess I will vote for the least offensive. I do not like how 2nd grade playground bully/bashing my USA has become. I've seen better in my life time, and it sure isn't in sight right now.

  8. I will be paying attention to your elections Red. Everything here is about 2020. It is going to be a very long year politically speaking.

  9. I do hope one of your choices win, Red. There needs to be one sane leader in North America!

  10. Personally I'm disappointed in our progressive party because they have pushed our country much further into debt, something that will fall heavily on future generations, and also did not follow through on other campaign promises on electoral reform and aid for indigenous people, not to mention they stifled the Attorney General for doing her job. I'm very disappointed and disillusioned with them. At the same time, the conservatives don't appeal to me either. Bah, humbug!

  11. That politics today, it's sad and pathetic.

  12. I consider myself a Red Tory, so I will never be able to vote Conservative. The party has gone too far to the right, and will never come back from that.

  13. Hmmmm, maybe 5 parties is a good idea, since we have 2 in the U. S. and both are too ideological, listening only to their most extreme members, and not really addressing the needs of the people -- which explains why so many American voters are independents. Okay, so maybe the Dems. are slightly better than the Reps., but that's a low bar to clear ... which again, explains why many Americans may be ready to try out something different. But I dunno. Maybe with 5 parties instead of 2, you just get more mud.

  14. That all sounds very familiar here in the USA.

  15. That's very interesting. This sounds almost like what we're dealing with as far as lies, smears, etc. goes. I wonder if it would be better if we had more than 2 main parties.
