Friday, August 7, 2020


      Yesterday morning , the next door neighbor kids dropped in and asked if we'd keep an eye on their house as they were going away for a week. Well, yes, sure I'll watch your house. 

      About 2:00 Am a big wind got up as some bad weather was coming our way. 

      So the micro manager was awake ..listening to the wind I guess, She said, "Do you hear the banging? I didn't hear any special banging.  It sounds like a door being blown open and shut. You should check the sheds to see if the doors are closed. Well, it's easier to get up and look at the doors rather than listen to, "Are you sure those doors are closed?" So I got up and checked the shed doors to find out that they were secure.

     Then she said, "There is a sceeching just before the bang and sometimes right after. Did I hear the screeching? "Well, no." Then I got a lecture about my poor hearing. I'm not sure what good a lecture would do to a guy's hearing.

     So after a while the wind died down and the banging and screeching came less but I still couldn't hear them. I even put my hearing aids in to see If I could hear the noises.

     Now I'm not one for staying awake to listen to noises in the night.

    So the next day after the rain stopped we went out to investigate. We thought that the neighbor had a gate that didn't have a latch. We checked and yes the gate was not latched.I moved close to examine the gate and I set off an alarm! Oops that scared me in a hurry. So now I knew what the screech was. Well, it really wasn't a screech or that loud. 

      I know that some people are disturbed by noises in the night and become more concerned as time goes by. I'm not bothered by noises.

     So yes we were inept as we didn't find out what was going on. However , no harm done.


  1. Hey, no harm done, that's the main thing. What kind of alarm did you set off? I see you read two P.G. Wodehouse books in the sidebar, I love that man. All his books are funny.

    1. I don't know what kind of alarm it was. I'll find out when they come back. I think I've read most of Wodehouse's stories. Yes, he's good.

  2. but what happened to the alarm?

    i don't worry about noises either but i always investigate if i smell burning

    1. All I know is the the alarm made a noise . Smoke would get my attention in a hurry. There are some noises you can't ignore.

  3. I smetimes hear things my husband doesn't hear. Sleeping with the window open at night, I woke up every morning around six o'clock by the sound of a clucking rooster! We do not live in the countryside but it is a residential area with gardens. I found out that somebody in another close area has chickens and a rooster in his garden. So the sound goes far all the way to my ears! Long live the summer...

    1. Roosters crowing on the farm is something I won't forget.

  4. Hello,
    I wake at the slightest sounds. I am glad there was no harm done and all was well. Enjoy your day, happy weekend!

    1. It was very windy so there were trees and many other things making a racket like my roof.

  5. There are times when it’s good not to have the hearing aids in...

    1. I only wear my hearing aids in the day. I take them off after supper.

  6. I can't hear much when the aids are out.

    1. Stuff gets muffled when the hearing aids are out.

  7. I can imagine you are not bothered by sounds in the night, since your hearing aids are not in. There are advantages to being hard of hearing, it seems. :-)

    1. Well even when I had good hearing, I didn't let things bother me.

  8. Well at least it was just the gate. I thought you were going to say their front door was open!

  9. My hearing isn't as good as it once was, I would not have heard a sound. It may have woken Roger up though.

    1. There was too much wind going through the trees to hear much.

  10. Well, what must have been an annoying incident for you turns into an amusing story for us. So thanks for the telling!

    1. I wasn't worried but the Micro manager was upset.

  11. So it was the gate. I usually don't hear anything at night except some snoring. :)

  12. I hope we get a comment from Yorkshire Pudding on this. :-)

  13. The good news is "no harm done".

    1. In a big wind it's usually a door or a gate that's swinging.

  14. I think not inept, but what would have occurred anyway.

    1. Well, there was nothing I could do about it.

  15. Replies
    1. Yes, even if the alarm gave me a good jolt.

  16. Noises in the night...good thing all is okay!

  17. You and Mrs K should start up a new house security company. You would have to wear a uniform with a big "K" in the middle of your peaked cap. Mrs K would be back in the office doing strategic planning.

  18. Good story, Red! I have a similar irritant but I don't refer to her as the Micro manager although she does have micromanaging tendencies. Her particular problem (if that's what it is) is lack of patience coupled with phrasing things in such a way that she sounds exasperated at something I have failed to do that she has asked me several times to, even though she hasn't mentioned it even once. And it's usually in the form of a question: Are you going to take the dog out? Are you going to get the mail? Are you going to pick up the dog's empty water bowl? Are you going to make us a sandwich?
    As though I don't do all of those things every single day of my life.

    I guess you touched a nerve. If I ever write my autobiography I think I shall call it What I Did For Love....

    Don't mind me; I'm just running off at the mouth today.
