Monday, August 22, 2022


       I don't usually write  post that has several topics but with a post I could respond to  number of issues.


Two of you have noticed that your comment was not published on my blog. There may be others. I never check to see if my comments are published. I've checked spam and looked around but cannot find where the comments have gone. I still must look to see if I actually got the comment. 

      It there's someone who knows about this issue , and how to correct it, let me know .


Some of you reminded me that there have been some long ago liars in the political world. The Richard Nixon suggestion gave me a giggle. 

      There were some good suggestions as to what to do to liars. Some how people have to see a big enough reward to tell the truth. Liars have to be punished at the polls.


I found out that many others have the same thing to brag about. It seems that quite a few cataract surgeries are done without anesthetic. They certainly freeze the eye ball. 

    It was interesting that there were so many different procedure for cataract surgery

    I'm doing well and only have one more day in jail. I find the seven days of restrictions after surgery a bit hard to handle. The eyedrops are a challenge. I have three more weeks of drops. The eye drops given and routine are very different. Across the country and beyond. 


  1. Red thank you for the welcome, two weeks to go before my second cataract op, yes anaesthetic drops are given and i must say were very effective, advice given was to binge watch netflix for a week after 😁 i didnt mind the drops but they seemed to take ages to come out of the bottle !

    1. I have one set of drops that is hard to use. I have four sets of drops. Some of them are four times a day for four weeks. However the results of the surgery greatly improve the quality of life.

  2. If you're checking your spam comments using the method below, I'm not sure what else to suggest. Sometimes my comment on anothers' blog will just vanish and I can tell it didn't get submitted. If I wait and try again in 20 minutes or so it often works. I have no idea why.

    Here's how to find comments in spam. (You probably already know how to do this, Red, but I'll put these directions here in case anyone else needs them.)

    Go to your Blogger dashboard and click "comments" on the left side. You'll get a list of comments, and you can filter this list with the drop-down menu at the top by choosing "ALL" or "SPAM" or "AWAITING MODERATION" or "PUBLISHED." (At least, those are the options on my account.) If you click SPAM it will show you all comments that are classified as spam and not published. You can mouse over each comment and you'll see a check mark appear on the far right -- click that check mark to approve and publish the comment.

    Hope this helps!

    1. Steve, I didn't know about this. I went over and found quite a few comments including one from you! So yes it really helped and I learned something.

  3. I think most people are tired of the lying politicians, they should be voted out. I hope your eye is recovering well from the surgery, you can stop the drops and be released. Take care, have a great week!

    1. the eyes are recovering well. It greatly improves the quality of life.

  4. Sometimes comments to me aren’t published for some reason, but I can still see them in the Dashboard.

    1. This was my situation exactly. I will post what to do.

  5. I found the eyedrops to be difficult, too. But it sure is worth it for the good benefits we get with new eyes! Glad you are almost ready to be released from jail. :-)

    1. It really improves the quality of life.

  6. Dear Red I am glad and thankful that you are doing well after cartract surgery. This is amazing you are able to blog during resting time.
    I saw my mother using eye drops for more than six years I think.
    Hope it will be a great help to you either

    1. It certainly improves the quality of life. things are much brighter.

  7. About comments, yes I found almost fifty comments in my spam box that had been storing there since January.
    Now I check spam each time when I open comments. I found four comments in the spam folder and less on normal place they exist

    1. I am going to check spam every day from now on.

  8. I check comments regularly and find many marked as spam that are not spam at all.
    I'm glad that you are doing well after the cataract surgery. I'm looking forward to hearing how your eyesight is in a few days and if you notice a big difference.

    1. The eyesight is much improved after seven days. Things are so much brighter. I see the colors now. I'm doing very well.

  9. are so funny...enjoy your new and improved sight and do all your drops:)

    1. The micro manager is an excellent drop giver. I don't know how people are able to give their own drops.

  10. The disappearing comments issue keeps going on and on and on.

    1. I've found these comments in the spam.

  11. I am glad you have only one more day before you can get out and about. You deserve bragging rights on your cataract surgery. I have been getting several comments that drop into my spam folder, but you say you've checked so I am not sure what is going on there. I do hope they get this glitch taken care of soon. Can't wait to get to the polls to put in my vote but I am fearful it won't count for much in today's climate. I live in hope!

    1. I did not look in the right spam. I didn't know blogger had a scam. I found the comments. There are actually quite a few comments in spam.

  12. Thanks, Red, and thanks to Steve I just cleaned up my Comments page again. I generally have a ten minute backlog when I get around to it.

  13. Hubby needed eye drops and simply couldn't do them. I had to do them for him. What a pain.

    1. I don't think I could do my own eyedrops.

  14. My problem with the eye drops was my remembering to do them. That’s another issue.

  15. The comments problem is something we're all experiencing. At least those of us who are on blogger. I do hope it gets corrected at some point.

  16. I'm glad your surgery went well, Red. Mom had a pretty easy time of it, but I had to remember to be there to administer the eye drops for her all the time. It really improved her eye sight. Thank goodness.
