Friday, October 7, 2022


       I make an effort to do as much walking as possible. Out of the last 21 nights I've walked on 20 of them. The weather has been very pleasant so the walking is easy.

      I find that if I have a regular routine, I don't miss very many days.

      Right now I walk around the outskirts of my neighborhood. It's around 3600 steps.

      I usually start around 8:00 PM. Yes ,it's dark by then. This year has been better as there are many more walkers out at that time. 

     Now what really makes my walk is the number of deer I see. One night I saw  8 deer...4 bucks, 2 does and 2 fawns. Most of the deer we have are mule deer. They are a little bigger than white tailed deer .

     Well last night I didn't see one deer! I was skunked. 

     It's 7:27 PM so I'm going to get ready to walk. Will I see deer tonight?

      This fellow was in my neighbor's yard towards the end of July. 


  1. Nice velvet on that buck! Glad you didn't get skunked by a real skunk!

    1. that was about the peak time for velvet.

  2. Whew Mr. Red! I thought you'd been hit by a skunk. Seems like your deer friends knew it was Friday night and that's date night, along with Saturday night, eh? Be careful in the dark! Hope you carry a flashlight or camper's headlamp. Linda in Kansas

    1. I found out that skunked is a term that's not widely known or used.

  3. Quite a grand fellow!

    I expected a story of an unfortunate encounter with a black and white striped terror.

    1. This fellow visited right in the noon hour.

  4. Good grief! When you said you were 'skunked' I thought you were going to say you got sprayed by a skunk. That's happened to a few people we know in Illinois, plus a couple of dogs. I'm glad it was just missing out on deer. Phew! It's awesome that you're getting your exercise in. I really need to get out there. I have NOT been good the last few weeks. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. I'm ready for the ice this year as I bought a set of cleats.

  5. I frequently see deer in the morning when I walk to the bus. I worry about them with the cars, but what can I do?

    1. the urban deer seem to understand traffic a bit and don't panic.

  6. Ha! I thought you meant you had been sprayed by a skunk! That would have been much worse than not seeing a deer.

    1. Well, it might have been a better story.

  7. Hello,
    Love the deer photo, skunked that does not sound good. Have a great weekend!

    1. Skunked just means that I didn't see any deer.

  8. What a big and beautiful deer. Hope you see lots more of them on your walks.

    1. There's a much bigger buck in the neighborhood right now.

  9. That is such a beautiful big buck.

  10. Great photos and such amazing animals! Lucky you to be able to see them in your neighborhood. I hope you get to see them again on your next walk.

    1. Don't worry they will be around. Mostly they are active in the night and often go through my yard at night.

  11. Perhaps you need to start your walk earlier. The deer that cross the lower part of our backyard do some in the early morning and late evening dusk, whatever time it happens to be at that time of the year, much later in summer than in winter.

  12. Our neighborhood deer are getting fewer and I do miss them.

  13. Seeing deer is fun. Maybe the earlier darkness is changing their schedule.

  14. Deer certainly would make my walks more interesting. Hope you see some this evening.

  15. I was expecting something different as my sil was recently skunked in the more literal and odorous way.

    1. I had the very same idea Anvilcloud. I imagined our intrepid hero encountering a big adult skunk which doused him with its memorable aroma.

  16. Looking forward to hear if you saw any deer. Really happy to hear about all your walks! Way to go!

  17. I have never seen a deer except in a petting zoo until just a couple of weeks ago: I was in a kind of urban fringe area and came around a corner to see two right on the verge. They must have been ferals.
    How lovely to see deer most nights! that would get me walking, too

  18. I remember when I first moved out of the city, I was so excited to see a deer. But now in the suburbs they are, quite frankly, a menace. They crash into cars; they carry Lyme disease (which I've had three times). I walk in the afternoon; stay on the sidewalks. But ... to each his own!

  19. Ho! Good joke on us all! Your deer photo is nice!

  20. When I read the title of your blog post, I thought a skunk had sprayed you! Phew...
