Sunday, April 30, 2023

Jaaka Jaaka Huckabuck

     Once again we are in downsizing mode. My kids have kindly requested to take a few things but very few.

    So I have some goodies set aside for them to pick up this summer. They need some information about said objects. Right? Well, whether they want information or not they are going to get it.

    That sent us back to our beloved North. And of course we got side tracked. Who made this? Who was she or he? And in no time we were a way off the agenda. 

   So since we were looking for names of people we got off on names. We find that after 54 years we have forgotten an awful lot. We wrote down first names but neglected to use surnames. We also neglected to use disc numbers. 

    So one story. The teacher read the story of the Huckabuck family to the kids. One little boy was called Jaaka Jaaka ( pronounced Yaka) . That's right!  His surname and given name were the same. When the kids came out of school that afternoon all you could hear was Jaaka Jaaka Huckabuck. They had taken this from Pony Pony Huckabuck. And from that time on that's what he was called. 

    Another name variation happened to our Hudson Bay Post manager. His name was Sidney Goodyear. He was a 19 year old kid in northern isolation. Most 19 year olds still live with Mom. Sydney was a most  capable manager and to top that he was Mr. Personality. The kids in the settlement loved him. What did they call him? Sidney Very Goodyear!

     Okay back to downsizing. 


  1. Just last week I noticed an obituary for Thomas Thomas and when we were little, we lived next door to Dick Dickens. I remember when my oldest son was in grammar school, he had a crush on a girl named DeeDee and I told him if he grew up and married her she would be DeeDee De Berge (he didn't grow up to marry her)! Funny how some names stick with ya! :)

    1. And I have met two Bill Bill's in my life.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The names are fun. Goodyear makes me think of car tires. Take care, have a great week.

    1. That's why name books are so interesting.

  4. In my teaching days I taught two delightful West Indian boys - their surname was Senior. The younger of the two was called Junior Senior.

    1. I guess they wanted him known as the younger Senior!

  5. We had cause to meet a couple of Natives with the surname 'Maybe'. My husband was involved in a business transaction with them. They were buying a car. He got a big charge out of them. They were pretty high spirited. He called them 'maybe'and 'maybe not'. The deal was eventually done, the paperwork signed. He stopped by the gas station where the both worked. They were gone. The owner fired one for missing time at work. The other brother quit on the spot in protest. The thing was, you simply couldn't NOT like them.

    1. Maybe sounds like a very descriptive name.

  6. Interesting memories. Funny what sticks with you after all that time. :-)

    1. For the Inuit there were many different things because of a different culture.

  7. Names, eh? Like my student who was called Merry Christmas.

    1. there are books full of different names.

  8. I dated a fellow once, named John Johns. I thought his parents had no imagination.
    Good luck with the downsizing.

    1. And I have met two Bill Bills in my life and one of them was from Saskatchewan!

  9. One of the math professors who worked with my dad was named Manoug Manougian.

    I think it's great you're providing your kids with information about their "goodies," to make them all the more valuable.

    1. When kids are growing up they're too young to be interested i the background of some items.

  10. Great names! Ones for the family history book!

    1. There are numerous books on names...all of them interesting.

  11. I vaguely recall a guy named Earl Earl.

  12. Memories like those make me smile. :)

  13. Downsizing is a good idea. I am resisting it!

  14. Downsizing can be painful but it can also conjure up some great memories. I like "Sidney Very Goodyear". I wonder if he did.

    1. Sid was one of those guys who rolled with the punches and probalbl added something else to it.

  15. It's sure nice to be back. We met some very nice Canadians during our cruise, Red and I did think about you.
    Downsizing is really hard! We're having a terrible time with it, especially since Art has such difficulty with letting go of his prized memorabilia. Sigh...

  16. I once worked with a Huw Hughes.
    Sidney very Goodyear is a great name. Just today I was telling a colleague that I think a 19 or 20 year old is capable of plenty, especially if they have been well taught and have good support so you've proved me right with a 19 year old postal manager

  17. That's one of the interesting things of downsizing - you remember all kinds of things! Downsizing is a long and oftentimes difficult process. You seem to be doing well with it.

  18. Loved your downsizing digression. I had a friend named Tommy Thompson. Not quite the same, but same idea.

  19. Hi Red, I know I'm late getting here, but I just wanted to let you know I'm not going to miss any of your posts on HH. Your stories are fascinating. You should write a book ... the HH posts would make perfect chapters. 😊 I'll bet you won't believe this ... In my 75 years I do not recall ever knowing anyone who had the same first and last name. 😊

  20. This is a hoot. I did have one Muslim student with the same first and last name.
    This is a goal of mine, to purge. Part of me thinks my kids will take care of it.
    I think the mystery of the gun fire will remain. It is a new neighbour, and they were target shooting. We will go with that!

  21. Firstly, how on earth do you get kids to take your stuff! I think 99% of mine is going to end up at a thrift store. Those names were fun and I am glad that they survived them.

  22. That was a nice little distraction. The easiest way to downsize is to stoop when you walk around. You'll look three or four inches shorter.

  23. I would have thought he would have been delighted to be called Sidney Very Good Year.

  24. some tough process regarding age seems heartbreaking dear Red
    i hope hope getting back to your older place is pleasant for both of you and not difficult .
    hope weather is also favorable there .
    such amusing name ,never heard one like this before :)
    people here either have weird or interesting name which bring smeil when pronounce :)
