Monday, April 17, 2023


       Six months ago I did not know that you could check for comments that were spam. I had no idea what spam comments would be. 

      So for blogger if you go to comments , you will find a small triangle to the center left above comments. Click on that and you will find a list of spam. 

      Now the spam comes in many different colors, sizes and shapes. 

     For some reason other bloggers comments are sometimes judged to be spam. These you can identify and click on publish and the comment will be published. 

   Much of the spam is made up of my comments and replies to other blogger comments. 

    Then there are just plane unwelcome comments as some jerk who thinks that all old people should be put to death as they are a menace to the planet.

    I had not looked at older spams until this week. It seems that some comments made by new readers are identified as spam. This bothers me as I don't want to be considered rude as if I'm not publishing a comment. It also seems that some of my followers are quite often identified as spam. For example the blogs by Bill and Jenn are quite often flagged as spam. So for a long time their comments were not published on my blog. 

    So I would suggest that bloggers check the spam file often and keep it up to date. Comments are a very important part of blogging and we want all comments to be published. 


  1. Blogger is sometimes a little over enthusiastic about who is spam...and sometimes let's the (very!) Odd one through!
    It seems to be retro judging every now and again as well sometimes, and questions very short comments..or even my replies to others!!
    Better that than let all the rubbish through

  2. I thought you were going to chat about the canned meat called SPAM. That kind of SPAM is "South Pacific Army Meat" because so much was used in Hawaii, then the stockpile left there after the end of WWII. Linda in Kansas

    1. I know about cans of spam meat. It as in our Arctic rations.

  3. If I remember to check the spam folder every day there is usually nothing in it except proper spam BUT if I forget to look for a few days you can guarantee there will be all sorts of comments there -recent and older, mine or a regular! It's all very odd.

    1. Thanks for visiting Hiawatha House. Odd is a good word for the way spam works.

  4. Alas, I check mine daily and mostly pull out my shortest replies of "Thank You" to posts sometime six months old. So it always gives me pause that my comment was acceptable for six months and then all of a sudden spam. I certainly hope Google gets things fixed as some point but not terrible optimistic.

    1. Same thing here . Thankyous show up from a while back.

  5. Hello,
    I check my spam folder often. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

    1. I will be checking more often from now on.

  6. I have one commenter who almost always goes to spam.

    1. They must have something that alarms your security.

  7. Awhile back I went through my spam folders and totally deleted anything that was actual spam- I remember the guy with a grudge against old people.

    I am still seeing regular comments, both recent and some years old, and many by me, dumped into spam after initially being published.

    This morning it's been more than thirty.

    1. Ya, funny how they dump published comments into spam.

  8. Yes, I've been checking for awhile. It is a weird glitch.

    1. Your comments are quite often in my spam.

  9. I check my spam folder often, and find some comments there that shouldn't be.

    1. Funny how I never knew about spam before and now I check it often.

  10. I'm a commenter, not a blogger, but I have seen this mentioned on blogs before. Seems like a goofy Blogger quirk. Glad you shared your explanation for those that didn't realize.

    1. Glad that you explained that you are a commenter.

  11. Thank you for the reminder to check the spam folder.

    1. I wonder if it's becoming more of an issue?

  12. Timely post as I had not emptied out spam in quite awhile:) Thanks Red!

    1. We tend to go along on auto pilot for some time.

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks. Most of my comments in spam are "thanks".

  14. I check mine everyday, there are lots that are actually good posts but they end up in spam.

  15. Replies
    1. I wonder how many of the comments I make end up in spam.

  16. Yes, I knew about the spam comments but neglect to check it often. And I, too, have found comments from regular friends in there. Maybe, like Bill (above), I'll begin checking it every day. Thanks for the prod, Red.

  17. Oh I'd better check my spam folder. But I do get an email for comments that are made and then if they are spam I don't publish them. I'll look anyway in case I've missed anyone who shouldn't be marked 'spam'.

  18. That was a great tip! I found many of my blog follower comments there going back years. Oh my!

    1. Same here. It was surprising that it went back to the start of my blog.

  19. Blogger is quite enthusiastic about this! So much so that it's even spammed my own responses to comments on my own blog! I try to remember to check regularly.
