Friday, July 7, 2023


       I knew that many of my family read my blog. My blog comes up on Face book and many are Face Book friends so read the blog. So thanks to all my relatives who read my blog. 

      Many people in town read me. In fact, I'm always surprised when someone says  "I read your blog." Why am I surprised. They read and leave no trace because they do not have a blog. They are also not aware that they can leave comment. Many other people read from time to time and do not leave comments.

     So if you want to leave a comment , go to the bottom of the blog post and click on anonymous. Write your comment. I rarely publish anonymous comments so leave some kind of clue as to who you are. For example leave your town and name. You can mix these up so that the bad guys won't come around. You can make up some name that I will recognize. 

    So I hope I've made it easier for non bloggers to make a comment from time to time. 

    This doesn't work for all blogs as some blogs are on a different platform. Some bloggers have not set up the anonymous option. 


  1. In the very early days of Facebook I posted on it but then something happened and it was no more.

    1. If I had to get posted on Face book today, I probably couldn't do it. I'm going to look at settings now and see if I can see what I did.

  2. I like Zhoen of "one word" blog's idea...leave a pebble in the pool... (0)

  3. Red - I always read your blog and always comment but often they are returned to me - not sure why. As you almost always comment on mine could you please assure me you do get my comments. If you don't perhaps you might be able to explain why (I am a dumb head when it comes to all things computer)

    1. I get your comments but not for every post. I also find some of yours in my spam and publish them. You're at the top of the class n your age group. Don't knock yourself.

  4. There are also some dedicated blog-readers who don’t blog. They get an account but don’t actually just — just comment.

    1. Yes, they become regular followers and very often comment.

  5. Replies
    1. You are so wonderful and I'm glad you're my rellie. Se you in a few weeks.

    2. Someone is posing as me, because I definitely did NOT make this blog comment on July 8th. Yikes!

  6. You know I almost always leave a comment and am a faithful follower of yours for years now. :-)

    1. Hey, you get a gold star for your efforts. You shouldn't have told me that you almost always comment. I hadn't noticed it.

  7. If it shows "Anonymous", you can click on that tiny gray arrow triangle and you can choose "Name/URL". You just enter your name and click the word "continue". You do not need to enter a URL. Then your post will have a name attached!

  8. I don't allow anonymous comments because I want to avoid mischief-making trolls, but I guess it's OK if you screen them first.

    1. I rarely publish an anonymous comment. Better to be cautious than get yourself into some free trouble.

  9. Giving this a try - hello from Scott and Jackie in SK

  10. I am not a rellie but a random stranger who reads blogs for fun. I love hearing about your old experiences teaching. Wow , what different time. Posting from the wilds of Vancouver Island.

  11. Hello,
    I always read your new blog post and try to comment. I am not sure if they always show up. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

    1. For some unknown reason about half of your comments show up as spam. However, I check my spam and publish the comments.

  12. I get anonymous comments every now and then but then the people leave a link to their blog so I know who they are.

    1. I'm very cautious about anonymous comments. Most I do not publish.

  13. Alright, Keith, I'm going to try this...This is Colin Sterling.

    1. You're right on. Good to have you able to make comments.

  14. :0 Sometimes people do not like what I write...oh well:)

    1. Well , don't beat yourself up over some negative comments.

  15. I don't usually post anonymous posts. We've too much going on here with the gun range, and all.

  16. Great tip Red. I also have several family members and friends who read my blog and tell me, but they don't want to leave a message and I can count on one hand the times someone has left a comment. They do tell me though.

    1. I have exactly the same experience as you have.

  17. I almost always comment on any blog i read. I know that there are lots of people who read mine and never comment. I call them lurkers, but in a friendly way. It's just kind of abrupt when i am talking to someone I know, refer to something, and they cut me off and say, "I know. I read it on your blog". I had no idea they followed me.

  18. Blogger is still doing that real comments as spam thing.

    At present I'm about four or five days behind in blog reading.

  19. I enjoy reading your blog Keith. I told you at the RDRN speaker night.

  20. Wow that sounds wonderful that many of your relatives read your blog and many from area .good that you trying to help them so they can comment.
    I am so happy that blogging world is providing platform for like minded people
