Sunday, November 19, 2023


     On Oct. 23 we had a heavy snowfall. I predicted  that it would be our winter snow and not melt until the spring.

    Well, 99% of it is gone. We've had beautiful weather and the snow has melted. Temperatures have been well above average. 

   This would be what my Dad would call an open fall. 

                                      This was Oct 23

       Today NOV 19.This is the most snow I could find.

                 Today Nov 19. Sea any snow here?


  1. We will get snow that stays sooner or later, Northern Minnesota still had snow in the ditches last week:)

  2. I guess you never had what we called Indian Summer in Illinois. I hope you get a nice stretch of temperate weather before the deep freeze.

  3. I don't think I could put up with such a long winter season. The earliest I remember snow here was Nov 8 and that was so exceptional that it's burned into my memory. All gone next morning of course.

  4. I don't think it will be long before your neck of the woods sees snow again! Stay warm. Linda in Kansas

  5. Glad to hear you've gotten a reprieve from all that snow. It will come, sooner or later, up there in the North Country. :-)

  6. Hello,
    Pretty images, I would be happy with no snow. Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  7. We can never predict the weather, Red, even tho we have tried and tried for years and years! Weather can always surprise us!

  8. According to the weather chart I saw this morning, we've only had one below normal and three average temperature days in November. All the rest of been higher than normal temperature days.

  9. I am surprised that there is no snow there in late November. Now I'm wondering when you will get some snow. (NewRobin13)

  10. An "open fall"? As opposed to being closed in by snow, I guess?

  11. I'm sure the snow will return.

  12. Glad it’s warmer there but it is probably a bad sign.

  13. Do I recall correctly that your Dad was a farmer? If so, for him to say it was an “open fall” must have meant he was able to get out in the fields … they were not “closed” due to snow. I’m wondering if this “open fall” is just another event in weather cycles OR is it another sign of climate change?

  14. No snow here but our temperatures have been cool-ish. 63 right now in mid-afternoon, 50's forecast for days ahead. Cool-ish for we thin-blooded Arizonans!

  15. Enjoy seeing the ground while you can.

  16. Yes, my mother commented on "open winters", with little snow fall and milder temps. She died in 97. I've seen many more such open winters, nothing like the sixties and seventies, and shoveled driveway snow piled over our heads.

  17. My dad would call that an open fall, too. He wasn't a farmer but he knew the lingo and because of him I know it too :)

  18. sounds like an early snowfall ?
    hope weather is behaving nicely until last week of November

  19. This is such a strange month, with rain, snow, sleet, or hail, often in one day in Ontario!

  20. Now the ground should be getting cold enough for snow to stay.
