Thursday, November 9, 2023


      I have been struggling to post this last week. 

      I have some excuses though!

      The Micro Manager has a torn rotator cuff that she's left far too long to get some treatment. Those lucky people who have experienced torn rotator cuff know that it is painful and just plane miserable. The Micro Manager is experiencing a lot of pain so I've had to do more of the work.

     I'm also trying to launch two other projects to keep me busy during the winter but if I don't get at them winter will be over. I've started a family history. I want other members of the family to contribute. That's going to be a challenge. 

    I also want to pull posts out of Hiawatha house and put them into a separate blog which will work into a biography. So If anybody knows a fast, dirty and simple way to pull posts out of a blog and place them in another blog let me know. 

    So I've set out some challenges and work for me.

    If you're going to blog , you have to be able to think about subjects to write about. I haven't been doing that . 


  1. Tore my rotator cuff for the first (and hopefully only) time last fall. Definitely it was painful. I opted for no treatment other than physical therapy at home using giant rubber bands and a dozen or so different exercises given to me by my ortho guy. Those had me howling in pain in the beginning but after about 6 weeks, I finally regained full movement again and maybe after three months, I felt back to 100%.

    I don't have any quick or dirty tricks for copying select posts. If you have formatting or photos on a post that you wish to copy to a new blog post, switch to "html" view before selecting to copy. So I would have my old blog post in editing mode open in one tab and the new blog with a new post ready to be written open in another tab. Click on the pencil icon on the left side of your options and select "html" option. Then select everything and copy, click over to the new blog and make sure it is also in "html" mode and paste. To verify, you can then switch the post back to the compose mode to see that it looks okay before clicking publish.

    1. Thanks for the advice on the blog movements.

  2. Well done on starting the family history.
    And tell the MicroManager off for not getting that rotator cuff injury seen to straight away! The longer anything like that is left, the longer the mending 🤕.
    Technical bloggy stuff...I am sure you will get helpful comments on that.
    My computer still has an L plate....

    1. I think the MM will suffer more than she bargained for

  3. I don't know how you might do that with previous posts, but I'll be watching to see what others offer up for you. I might do something similar if it's not too hard. Or expensive. I just read about AC's "supraspinal tear" that sounds a lot like a torn rotator cuff.

    1. You have two blogs so may want to change some posts.

  4. It's a good thing you are able when MM isn't. I have a should issue and Sue has a rib issue. We are a fine pair.

    1. Two with issues at the same time put a big crimp in the operation.

  5. Oh, your poor wife! The torn rotator cuff is a miserable, painful injury that takes a lot out of person. Hope she gets some relief soon.
    I'm not a blogger so I have no advice on your project. I enjoy all of your posts so keep up the good work, Red!

    1. Thanks, I enjoy and value your comments.

  6. As you will know, I took a long break over the summer. I was close to deciding to bring the blog to a close. However, I was concerned that I would miss blogging as it has become a part of my regular routine. When you’re retired, you need regular routine. So, what I decided is to try making the posts shorter and maybe a little more frequent. It now seems much easier to pick topics and I don’t have to weave together a bunch of different things. I do think you have a great idea to pull posts out of HH to make something like an autobiography. The easiest way to do that, as far as I know, is to go to the post you want, select and copy the whole post, go to the new post page you are working on and paste. Once you have pasted it, you can edit as necessary. If you have more questions for me about this, just send me a message on Facebook. Take care and have a good day. John

    1. In blogging there is a style to suit everybody. I will try your suggestions to move the blogs. That would also be an easy way to change the order.

  7. Torn rotator cuffs are so painful. I hope she recovers well and as quickly as possible. Take care there. (NewRobin13)

    1. It's a pain that sucks the energy right out of you.

  8. I hope your wife's injury will heal soon and give her some relief. As for your blog project, I would google it and see what comes up. There are people out there who have done it and know how to do it, I'm sure.

    1. Good idea. I could also look on you tube.

  9. So sorry to hear your wife's injury. I hope she recovers quickly.
    Take care, have a great weekend!

    1. We all want to recover quickly when we have pain.

  10. Periodically it is a challenge to find a subject for a blog post. You’ve done well so far, Red. Good luck with the biography!

    1. You have to keep your mind on the blog. I usually have a list of topics.

  11. Copy and Paste is one quick way to do it.

    1. I think copy and paste will be what's done.

  12. Tom has more work to do because of my physical issues too. So far shoulder pain is not one of them. I sympathize.

  13. I am sure you are busy taking care of your lovely wife:) Copy and paste is my advice:)

    1. Copy and paste has been the suggestion so I guess that's what I'll go with.

  14. Your wife's injury sounds very painful. I hope her rotator cuff will heal up quickly and nicely.

    This link might help you with exporting posts to another blog. You'll need to cut and past the address into your browser search function.

  15. We all go dry from time to time. I'm there right now, actually. Be patient with yourself and deal with life, and it will come back to you. You do have a wonderful project going on. What a gift to your family.

  16. Aside from cutting and pasting, I don't know a simple way to export individual blog posts. Blogger allows exporting of the entire blog as an XML backup file, but that's all I'm aware of. (Oh, I see Joyful has a solution above...?)

    Sorry about the Micro Manager and her shoulder!

  17. I’m certain if you asked the relatives who read this blog to help with the family history, they would

  18. Ouch.

    I sometimes have to think of subjects for my writer's blog.
