Thursday, December 14, 2023


       Recently, one of the jobs being delegated to me has been making the bed. As the Micro Manager finds things more challenging , I've taken on some of her jobs.

      What I found is that making a bed is hard. Particularly if you have the Micro Manager supervising. 

      Now my history of bed making is quite small. I don't remember making a bed when I lived at home. When I left home I boarded, and the landlady made the bed. When I went to the Arctic we had a day nighter. This was a combination chesterfield and bed. The chesterfield would roll out into a bed that you made up. If you were careful in the morning you could roll the bed back in with the bed made. so no making the bed there.

     Add wonder of wonders, when I got married the MM made the bed with no assistance from me. 

     However, when I was being brought up my Mom was extremely busy. She rarely had time to make our beds. We were told to go to bed. My bother and I slept in the same bed. We would go to the bedroom and it doesn't take much imagination what two little boys would do. Jump on the bed? You bet . That was fun. Pillow fights ? Oh yes. 

    After a while a loud voice would say , "You boys go to bed." This just meant we could carry on but we had to be quieter. And then finally ,"You boys go to bed or you'll get a spanking." This usually got the message across that we had to take things seriously.

     So there we were. Two little boys sound a sleep in a mess of sheets, blankets and pillow cases. 

     Here are the two little angels who couldn't make their own bed. 

Now some of this may be exaggerated but most of this is what happened and so I didn't learn to make a bed at home either. 


  1. That photo is adorable, bed made or not!

    1. I had a very swollen face because of a tooth infection.

  2. You can now continue the trend. Magazines say not to make your bed first thing in the morning anyway, because it's supposed to "air out" before putting the covers over it. Linda in Kansas

    1. Yes, the airing out is in practice here.

  3. It sounds like you've had a pretty good run, escaping bedmaking for so long! I don't think you're alone though; when I worked caringfor young children I was often asked by parents "Do you do everything? Like making the beds....."

    1. Well , there were some of those time when I sort of made the bed.

  4. I'm slightly ashamed to say so but I rarely make my bed.
    My dad is doing a lot of household things under mums supervision these days. I think he'd agree that it's hard

  5. I'm slightly ashamed to say so but I rarely make my bed.
    My dad is doing a lot of household things under mums supervision these days. I think he'd agree that it's hard

  6. My hubby has problems making the bed, it usually all looks crooked.
    Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

    1. The same thing happens here. The sides have to be equal.

  7. My partner makes the bed every day and I really appreciate it. He gets up much later than I do, so I'm usually gone before he is out of the bed.

    1. That was a good plan when you chose your partner.

  8. What a sweet story, Red, and I love the photo of those two little imps who didn't learn how to make a bed!
    I make my bed everyday and my rule is that I can't sit down to my computer to check the blogs until my bed is made! :)

    1. One of those little imps had a very swollen face and looks very lopsided. We were very much imps.

  9. Red, I’m sure enjoying these stories from your past. I'm sitting here smiling about your experiences making up the bed. I’m guessing most folks will be telling you how your experience compares to their own. As for me, I really can’t remember a time when it wasn’t my responsibility to make up my bed. I don’t mind making up the bed. I won’t say it’s easy, but it does give me an immediate feeling of, OK, at least I got something accomplished. 😊 I do like that picture of two little angels! 😊

    1. One little angel had a very swollen face as a result of a tooth issue. This was my brother's first day of school.

  10. When Tim and I both worked, the problem was that I needed to be up and moving by 4. He worked second shift so he was always in bed when I left the house. The bed was only made on sheet washing day.

    Now I am retired and so is he. After years, our bed is made daily, as soon as I get up. Even after two years, it gives me a little silly rush of pleasure to see a neat bed.

    1. That's a long history and shows that you were very adaptable.

  11. I just pull up the sheets and blankets and call it done. :)

  12. Good of you to help the micro manager:) Cute old photro!

  13. Fitted sheets are what drive me mad.

    1. I hear ya. My inspector makes sure everything hangs evenly.

  14. Fun story.
    Tom took over bed making a long time ago when my back first went bad.

  15. LD....I find my wife and I making the bed together when we first get up. I never made it for a long time but now I even sneak in and do it myself. I get more gold stars that way. I like your photo. You were closer in age than I was with my older brother. I had two much older brothers too.

    1. My brother and I were less than a year apart so that's one reason Mom was very busy.

  16. Replies
    1. The MM will make sure I get the hang of it.

  17. Oh Red this did make me laugh. I don't think I have ever had a pillow fight - think I really missed out there.

  18. Before I retired from teaching, I was always the first one up in the morning but since I retired I am always the second one up so I have to make the bed! I am able to do it even though I have not undertaken any training or achieved any qualifications in bed making.

  19. I make our bed -- if I left it up to Dave it would never get made -- but I'm sure I don't do it as neatly as the Micro Manager! Seriously, I'm pretty sloppy with my corners.

  20. My mother made my bed, but I did take some pride in doing it at uni. If I sleep in the guest bed (not much lately) or my chair (all the time now), I will eventually straighten things up.

  21. That was me —AC. Wonder of wonders.

  22. I used to make a bed, but since I am up first...
    Sweet photo!

  23. Awww... That's so sweet, Red. I can just imagine your mom scolding you boys. Actually Art was better at making the bed. He was in the Air Force so they apparently were taught to make their beds with "hospital corners" or something like that. He's not so fussy anymore.

  24. so sweet to see two angles who could not make their bed :)))
    moms are so kind and despite their business they choose to make bed (here) mostly because no one else would do as proper as they will :)
    if one partner has command on one job ,her supervision can be tough lol
