Monday, January 29, 2024


     I taught with a woman for around 20 years. We'll call her Sharon. Sharon was a physed. teacher and a good one. Sharon coached all girls teams at the school .

    For all those 20 years she never taught anything else. Sharon  didn't teach any options. The only time I know that she spent time in another field is when she came with us on an outdoor education   field trip. We were probably short a female supervisor so Sharon  was conscripted. 

    Sharon's been retired for about 15 years and I've only seen her once. I met her in the library when we were both getting books. 

    Lately one of my friends was asking if I knew Sharon. She told me that Sharon sings in a ladies singing group and is a great singer. Not in my wildest dreams did I think Sharon was a singer. 

    My friend went on to tell me that Sharon paints...watercolors. Sharon put on a show of her own in a local art gallery. Again, I had no idea that Sharon had talents in art. 

    So there I was thinking that Sharon was a one trick pony and could only teach physed. It would have been interesting to have seen Sharon in a music class or art class. 

    Some people really surprise you. 


  1. It's possible that Sharon has developed new interests after retiring?
    Some people just don't say much about their life and you'd never know what they did in their spare time

    1. I imagine she had dabbled with these interest most of the time.

  2. I recall my first class teacher when i went to secondary school at age 11. He was a quiet, gentle man but without any trace of humour. Besides being an ideal man to help youngsters settle in to their new environment, he also had the happy knack of being able to get older boys through resits of exams they had failed in French and English. I can't say he was a disciplinarian; it just never occurred to any of us to misbehave in his lessons. Years later I picked up a local newspaper to find an obituary to my old teacher; it turns out he was a much decorated war hero. Unbelievable.

    1. What a surprise. He was a talented man in more areas than teaching.

  3. Sharon may have thought that you were also a one trick pony. Little would she have known that you are an accomplished ballet dancer and writer of erotic fiction.

  4. Yes, sounds like Sharon is really talented, singer and an artist. Take care, have a great day!

  5. How wonderful to find that out after all this time. A lady of many talents.

    1. When I see here I will ask about these talents.

  6. I was a geography teacher, but for six years they had me teaching a lot of English classes. I loved it.

    1. Teaching English allows for doing different activities.

  7. Good for Sharon, a talented woman!

    1. She certainly was a gifted teacher. I don't think she got the credit that was due.

  8. Everyone has talents that are not readily apparent. Sharon is definitely a multitasker. :-)

    1. Coaches spent many hours after school with kids.

  9. It's funny how we can work with someone for years and not know so many things about them. I'm sure there's a lot I don't know about my own co-workers!

    1. Well, look at yourself , Steve. Maybe you're a singer. Hey, I'll bet you play guitar!

  10. I'm glad that Sharon is enjoying her other talents during her retirement!

    1. Now she has time to follow these interests.

  11. WOW she sounds amazing dear Red because most of the people loose themselves in burdens of life as households and career but she kept her skills alive and displayed them nicely when got chance. A lucky soul
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. She was also a Mom so hat takes lots of time.

  12. Red, I’ll bet many retired teachers have an interesting story like this one. As for myself, I will always remember a fellow teacher. We got together at lunch each day to play cribbage. It was a great pastime and we became good friends. How about you and MM get together with Sharon over a cup of coffee and talk over the good ol’ days? 😊 John

    1. Like you, I spend time with my buddies. When I was in Inuvik I played many hours of crib with a friend. It's a great game.

  13. I just recently found out a former teacher is a very talented painter. Good surprises.

    1. We don't know if some of these people painted all the time and when they retired they had more time .

  14. I like John's suggestion. It would make a great blog post!

  15. Some people have hidden talent (like Sharon)

  16. My nephew's wife is a stunt woman and he showed me a drawing she did of him and it floored me. It was absolutely stunning and a perfect, absolutely perfect likeness! And my nephew is also an amazing artist. I wonder if their child will inherit their gifts if they ever have one. I had no idea she was that talented. Yes, people do surprise you.

    It would have been awesome if you could have heard Sharon sing. What fun that would have been!
