Wednesday, February 21, 2024


       My last post was about my beginning as a teacher. Now some of my followers had not seen anything like this before. They wanted to see more. And I'm embarrassed to admit that when I went back and checked I found another very similar post only it was better. 

     So searching my blog is easy. On the top left side of the home page is a blank with a search symbol. So you can type in a topic and if it's on the blog it will come up and you can read it. So if you type in Louisville you will  find another similar post and for all I know maybe some other posts on Louisville. Try typing in such things as teaching, education, students, Wakeham Bay, Inuvik, school. You will find many  posts that I have written on my teaching career as well as my reflections on education. 

      I have written very close to 2000 posts. There's lots there . You just have to find it.

    When I started the blog, I had in the back of my mind a biography. Most of my life is on the blog. I would have to pull it out of Hiawatha House and tie it all together and add some missing parts. I know what to do , but it isn't going to happen. 

    Anyway enjoy searching through the blog. Search and let me know what you find that's surprising. 


  1. I found nine old blogposts containing the word "sex" but none containing the word "banana"! Scientifically, this proves that you care more about sex than you do about bananas!

    1. Oops. I better watch what I say or some guy will come along and put words in my mouth.

  2. The search feature is great, I also like using the tags on my side bar.
    MY blog is mostly a memory keeper for me and my hubby. I like looking back on previous outings and trips. Take care, have a great day!

    1. The search feature saves us scrolling back forever to find something.

  3. Well, that sent me down a rabbit hole, Red! I started to search using the word "wife" thinking I wanted to learn more about her. The first post I found was about your stroke and I learned a lot about your forgetful stroke which I didn't know about. Lots of other posts, also interesting - I could waste my day doing this! :)

    1. Hey, you never waste time browsing my blog. The Micro Manager has requested no publicity.

  4. I often search old posts, mostly for photos, though! It's a great way to document things going on.

    1. Some of us old timers have a lot of material to sort through.

  5. Google is an incredible search engine.

    1. I've been know to go down that rabbit hole.

  6. That search function on a blog is helpful for sure!

  7. I have used that many times to find stuff on my own blog that I have written about in the past. As Marie Smith said it's very helpful.

    1. When a blog has been written for 20 years , there's a lot in it and therefore much to forget.

  8. Thanks for guiding. I think I will try to find some when time allows because I find such learning really interesting. The simple reality of life is far more beautiful than any superficial fiction or movie because to me common men dealing with odds and solving issues surviving hardships are actual superheroes

    1. We sometimes say about events in life, "You can't make this stuff up."

  9. YES! Oh yes! I use that blog search all the time to find out something that I might have forgotten about. I feel like my whole life is on my blog. There have been times that I wrote a post and then checked to see if I'd written about it, and discovered that darn! I'd written about it several times. Oh well... I just hope nobody remembered.
