Saturday, May 18, 2024


       A former student of mine has made some awesome achievements.

       After high school she entered and completed a theology program. The next challenge was to be ordained in the Anglican church. Now at that time the Anglican church's official policy was that they would not ordain women . However, there was a loop hole. Some churches chose to ordain women. This was against official church policy. She was ordained. 

       I'm not sure how the next part of the story goes. I'm not sure what positions she had in the church. 

      However, she was a very gutsy lady to push and be ordained. 

      Yesterday, I heard that she is now a bishop! Her father was in the same residence as my friend and reported that his daughter is a bishop.

     These are the type of people I like. She challenged the status quo and won. 

     She opened doors for many women coming after her. 

     She is now the Bishop of the Archdiocese of Kootenay. 


  1. Very impressive. We need women to be assertive and claim their equal rights. Good for her.

    1. It's been a long time coming and we're still not there.

  2. Well done her for persevering.

  3. Yay for your student! Bishop is a solid achievement and even more so in a church which is traditionally very male dominated

    1. In her time it was very mail dominated.

  4. She did win! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  5. Red, You’ve covered a lot of territory with Hiawatha House over the last few months and I’ve found it all interesting. I was surprised this morning when I checked to see if you had a new post up and took first notice of your Thursday post, “I Need a Topic Machine!”. As far as I’m concerned, you’re doing great which brings us to today’s post about your student who has become Bishop of the Archdiocese of Kootenay. Congratulations to the Bishop! She is a great example of how, despite human resistant to change, an individual can move humanity forward. The entire concept of religion started when humans realized they needed something to explain the entire Universe, why they are here on Earth, and what’s it all about. The trouble is, as time went by, more and more humans claimed they had the whole thing figured out and declared they had received some message from the heavens to establish a religion. Soon there were humans who thought they had an even better idea, and the religion they created turned out to be in conflict with the others. So, we’ve ended up with things like the current war in the Holy Land, Jews vs. Palestinians. Now, let me get back to the new Bishop of Kootenay. This lady realized that the limitations on women in religious groups are based on an unfortunate belief about how the Universe wants humanity to go forward. Again, congratulations to the Bishop! And, as for you, Red, keep up the good work with Hiawatha House. John

    1. You sum up the history of religion very nicely. You also don't mince any words about the divisions religion has brought. As always thinks for comments and complements.

  6. That's quite an achievement. To be a Minister you have to have a true calling. I have a (female) friend ordained in the Church of Scotland, and it is a difficult life.

    1. The position of minister can be satisfying when ministering to to people. Many ministers don't get that.

  7. Relatively speaking, I think the Anglican church has become pretty liberal

    1. They have changed but like all of us there is still more room for change.

  8. Congrats to your student! I was glad to read her story!

    1. I only found out about the Bishop part a few days ago so it was a surprise.

  9. Lynne McNaughton even has her own Wikipedia page but I could not find a Wikipedia page for the famous Canadian educator who bears your name.

    1. I was surprised that there was so much on the internet about Lynne. As for me, your looking in the wrong place for my fame!

  10. Replies
    1. She was a very quiet kid but still waters run deep.

  11. Good for her. And it is always good to hear of churches becoming more liberal.

    1. Interesting that the first part of the journey took place in the nineties. The bishop was recent.

  12. I am certain she will do the job as good as any man:)

  13. That's a great story! I wonder did you recognize her as being gutsy when she was your student!

    On another note, what ever became of Spencer? I thought of your bunny stories the last two mornings when I opened my front door to leave, a tiny bunny was sitting on my front stair. I have not seen the adult bunny in a couple of weeks.

    1. She was a quiet kid and was most active in music. I've lost all contact with Spencer. There are three jack rabbits in the close behind me so Spencer is likely one of them.

  14. I guess that I always thought of the Episcopal church and the Anglican church as being 'together', even though they are not. It is a mistake, I see. The Episcopal church began ordaining women 20 years before the Anglican church. Bishop McNaughton may well have been one of those first women priests. Quite exciting.

    1. Yes, she was one of he first priests here. I knew her parents so kept in touch a little.

  15. Thanks for sharing her daring story dear Red.
    She sounds a strong and passionate lady wow
    I am happy she could be a pioneer of such great job.
    I wish same can happen here as well someday

    1. I would think that she is highly respected.

  16. How wonderful! That's quite an achievement and I wish her the very best in all things.
