Thursday, May 16, 2024


      Lately blogging has been a struggle. It's been hard to think of interesting things to say. I have not been out with the camera. Now that I've said that, I know what I'll do tomorrow. I'll get out and get some spring photos so that you can compare your spring to mine.

     I want to whine and make excuses about not posting but that would not be very honest. Yes, I've been busy in my mind, but others would disagree with me. 

     What I've found out is that if you're not very active, topics are are to come by. Spring weather has been variable and not really nice . We haven't had warm weather so every time we have a nice day I'm working in my yard. Some of those precious nice days are occupied with appointments of one kind or another. We've had lots of smoke on some days.

     One day I did not reply to comments and I feel that if someone goes to the effort of making a comment they deserve a reply. I have read all the comments. Once again I think that comments are an interesting and important part of blogging.

    So my tomatoes are on the south side of the house. My radish and lettuce are seeded. I should say my radish that never develop to and edible stage. Radishes don't like me!

     Today I went to a stress test. You feel pretty awful from the preparations. No coffee for 24 hours. No breakfast. And with all that I do not sleep well so I feel fairly woosy at test time. Tomorrow I find out if I passed. I must be glowing as they use a tremendous amount of nuclear stuff. It was an interesting process. The new technology used is amazing. 


  1. Interesting. I've never had a stress test but I certainly understand not liking certain tests because of all the preparation. It seems I've had a lot of those lately. I was interested in what you said about topics for blogging because my days are often filled with the same things it sounds like you're doing. But right now during nicer weather I've challenged myself to blog daily, at least for awhile. So far, so good.

    1. Good idea to make a challenge to yourself.

  2. Hemmed in the house by the weather,it does get difficult to find inspiration.
    Hope the gardening and tests results are good

    1. There's more to worry about the garden right now than any health.

  3. reading this make me realize such days come to all of us once in a while dear Red .
    thanks for being honest ,i agree that many things can influence our mood ,food ,weather specially as you mentioned it is against your expectations totally .
    i think it is not bad to feel little off sometimes .it's normal i believe .
    your words about radish reminded me my mom's complain about green chilies ,she would grow many veggies and all so good ,good enough to give away even but green chilies gave her tough time and never grow to edible stage .that was strange for her and hard to accept .
    i hope you feel good soon dear Red ! i hope the test goes well
    health ,peace and happiness to both of you!

    1. Yes , it's normal to have some blue days. I like your wish for health , peace and happiness. they are great things to wish for.

  4. When you return full time, we are here.

    1. Oh I'm not leaving or taking a break. I just need to come up with some ideas. as someone mentioned in their comments that they write down the topic or they will forget it.

  5. I don't reply to comments because that wasn't a thing when I started blogging. And it's so cumbersome. I don't think many people return to read the comment to the comment, but I could be wrong.

    1. Some of us enjoy a bit of a conversation rather than just a dry comment every time!

    2. I think you're right. I just think that someone who makes a comment deserves a reply.

  6. I also sometimes find it hard to find anything interesting to post. But I hardly ever let that stop me from trying. I'll be interested to hear what they found from that stress test.

    1. We'd be very boring people if we weren't blogging and looking for new ideas.

  7. Well, you had lots to blog about in this post, Red! Hope you get good results from the stress test.

    1. I like to have only one topic per post and in that way I can fill in more details.

  8. Hope all goes well with the stress test results. There are so many stressful things going on these days, it's a good things that those tests don't measure that kind of stress... or do they? I miss blogging, but I do remember feeling like I needed a topic machine as well. (NewRobin13)

    1. I'm not worried about my stress test. I think I've been sent to the wrong specialist.

  9. Even when you feel you have nothing to say, you have something to say. I always enjoy reading your blog. All the best on that stress test. I hope you treated yourself to a nice cup of coffee and breakfast afterwards.

    1. Thanks. Topics and finding details are a challenge. They served coffee after the last pictures of the heart were taken.

  10. My activities are limited now, but I keep having bursts of ideas and try to note them down for future reference. Sometimes I have no idea what they mean. Also, I've never blogged every day, which makes things easier.

    1. I sometimes make a list and yes, sometimes forget about it.

  11. Don't stress yourself over blog posts. Many of us don't post every day, or even every other day. We're just happy to know you are around and busy. Me too.

    1. I'm afraid that if I posted every day my posts would be rather shallow.

  12. I feel the same way about daily blogging, Red, so don't worry about it. And, yes, medical technology has gone way beyond me. I just say "Yeah, sure" and let 'em take their pictures. Or whatever.

  13. Just go with the flow Red, talk about whatever you want! Hope your stress test was okay!

  14. Hello, my friend! It was so nice to hear from you! I miss blogging frequently. My health hasn't been good and I'm struggling a bit. I certainly can sympathize with your tests. A stress test sounds...stressful. I think Spring is a wonderful topic. Can't wait for your pictures! Let's see if your yard compares to mine, as we are neighbours!

  15. Yeah, I go through ups & downs with wanting to post. Sometimes from being busy, other times I just don't have anything to say. Wait until the mood strikes, :)
