Thursday, June 27, 2024


        I've been missing for a week. 

        Life has been active in other areas so my mind has been away from the blog. 

        First of all, two elderly people got a little mixed up in the date. We went to a lab appointment a day early. The lab was great and took us because  we were there. This mix up confused me for the rest of the week. I was always thinking a day ahead. Well, that worked itself out after a few days. 

      I had a problem with the sound on my computer. I use a speaker and sometimes ear phones. So I switch back and forth. I found that I couldn't switch back and forth unless I started the program over like messenger. My daughter kindly offered to help with the sound issue. I wanted to work with the issue and see what was wrong before I worked with my daughter. She kept pushing me to set a time. I wasn't ready to set a time. So this was another issue on my mind.

      Then 3 or 4 years ago an author contacted me about someone I taught with. The author  was writing a biography and trying to make a collection of the teacher's art and display it. The writer had lost all contact with the teacher . So last week I received a message from the writer. He had finished the first section of his story. I had totally forgotten about the writer and almost erased his message. 

    Instead I got to read part of his upcoming book and it was absolutely fascinating. It kept my attention for a few days. This time we exchanged lots of personal information. 

   It got me thinking about much more information. I have contacted other teachers who taught with the subject of the book. I even contacted a former student. 

   So my mind got carried away with other things.

   I find with the blog that I have to spend part of my time with my head on the blog. 

     However, we need a little excitement in our lives. 


  1. And so many of your blog buddies would probably sign up to buy that book! Linda in Kansas

    1. It's got an interesting topic and the guy is a good writer.

  2. If life didn't get exciting, what would we write about?!
    Yes, concentration and gathering of thoughts are needed.

    1. I like the word you use. It takes concentration.

  3. Hello,
    Yes, we all need some fun and excitement in our lives. I am happy with a daily walk surrounded by nature. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend!

  4. A day early for an appointment is better than a day late! Have a great weekend!

    1. You're right about being a day late. If you miss an appointment these days they want money.

  5. I have been known to forget about commenting for several days, and the posts do pile up.

    1. I would like to follow more blogs but as you say the commenting takes time .

  6. I completely forgot about a blog post on Tuesday. It never even occurred to me until the next day. Getting old is taking a toll on me, for sure!

    1. Well, getting old beats the alternative.

  7. I am so happy to see a post here and that all is well. Being busy and distracted by life can be a good thing! (NewRobin13)

    1. Yes, I am busy and the Micro Manager takes some care.

  8. Lots going on, Red, so it is easy to see why you were busy. Sometimes, I get too busy to read my favorite blogs everyday and then I have to go back and play catch up! It's good to have other things to do, too.

    1. Yes we need a variety. I have done some jig saw puzzles lately.

  9. Good you were not missing for longer and found your way back here! Sometimes I wonder why people don't post and I always hope everything is OK. Excitement in our lives gives us ideas to blog about.

    1. I find that I have to write a blog topic down or I'll forget the whole thing.

  10. Everyone needs some excitement in their lives. :)

    1. We do need some excitement even if we're old.

  11. That was great the lab still saw you, and that the book was so charming.

    1. You know it's lucky we weren't a day late as they charge a fair fee when you miss without giving them notice.

  12. Good to find excitement!
    I never know what day it is...

    1. You young people are just supposed to always know the day automatically.

  13. I find it hard to keep up with posts and commenting on other blogs because I follow too many, but I don't want to cut any out.

    1. If they all decide to post on the same day , then I follow too many blogs as well.

  14. The blog is there when other excitement isn't. We can wait. Sounds like you were doing some cool stuff.

    1. I did get pretty excited about the book when I read part of it.

  15. Good to take a break. I've just returned from a few weeks away. Life tends to take over at times. Sounds like you have had a busy time. My brain has been very foggy lately, I am blaming it on the heat, smiling here. That was interesting about the writer. In fact, I always find your blog posts interesting. Have a great weekend Red!

    1. When I read your posts about visiting area, I wish I could go with you as you have so much information.

  16. Replies
    1. It's better than not being busy or not able to be busy.

  17. I've shown up a day early myself, and that was many years ago.

    1. a day early is fine but if it's a day late they will charge you money.

  18. I hope you'll let us know when the book is published and I hope there will be a version I can put on my Kindle.

  19. I've had the same problem lately, Red, but I like the advice from one of my commenters who said one needs some time away once in awhile. Blogs can be a brutally demanding project. Relax and do what you want whenever you want; that's my advice.
