Friday, June 21, 2024


       Summer solstice is always an interesting time for me. In fact, it's exciting. You imagine the sun and earth moving together so that the sun crosses the equator. 

      Then we have the pleasure of the longest day of the year. Here the sun rose at 5:13 AM  and set at 10:00 PM for total daylight of 16 hours 47 minutes and a few seconds. 

     I wanted to get some sunset photos but we had a strange sunset. I was up at midnight and looking north over the city one could plainly see sunlight. 

    This photo was from a few years ago showing  a house about 9:45 PM. 

  This shows my street about 10:15 PM. 

   So now it's down hill  until December. 

   I know my timer on the camera needs to be reset. 


  1. We'll be losing a little bit of light everyday, my wife likes that. She's not a big fan of the sun.

  2. I keep wishing for darker mornings. I'm waking up too early these days.

  3. Happy Summer Solstice. I am not looking forward to the short winter days. Have a great weekend.

  4. I enjoy watching the progression from all this sunlight into more reasonable hours of daylight. I am not a fan of endless sun. :-)

  5. Enjoy your long summer days of light there. (NewRobin13)

  6. The days are getting shorter already so soon.

  7. I've taken to wearing a sleep mask this time of year as my bedroom drapes don't really keep the sunlight out in the wee hours. The bedroom is on the east side of house nice in winter, a bit too bright in summer.

  8. Sad to see the loss of light again! Hope your summer is great!

  9. I guess you're a lot further north than we are.

  10. Red, I’m trying to remember what you said about Daylight Saving Time. It doesn’t look like you need it. Do you like it? John

  11. The long daylight hours are great, but the mosquitoes drive me indoors well before sundown and the long twilight.

  12. I like that it stays light until 10 now, but it won't last.

  13. 9:45? And it's that lighted? Wow! Granted it's 6:30 PM here in Hawaii and still really lighted too. I just checked our sunset times here. It's supposed to be 7:17 PM.

  14. If you live long see these things.

  15. I really like when it is bright early in the morning, I just want to get out the door!

  16. wow your days are quite long during summer dear Red

    i share your excitement regarding solstice day :) it sounds indeed amazing how earth reaches to certain point and enters back into old route ,i like to speak such stuff with hubby and specially with kids sometimes :)
    i enjoyed photos how your sun is still up at quarter to ten wow .our difference of sunset is only two hours .in winter sunsets at 5:30 and in summer 7:30 that is it

  17. Oh dear, the beautiful long bright days are going downhill... but now we're enjoying them :-) to the fullest. The roses are blooming in the garden and many of my wildflowers which attract the birds, bees and butterflies.
    On the warm summer evenings there are fireflies in my garden... I'm thrilled.
    Happy greetings come to you from Viola.
    I wish you wonderful days. Hug

  18. I lived in Aberdeen in Scotland for a time. It did not get dark. Walks on the beach well after midnight.
