Thursday, January 30, 2025


       Anybody who's had a dishwasher has probably had some sort of problem. So I'm not the only person with a dishwasher story. The soap dispenser lid has been sticking so that the soap is not released. This has happened before but I clean it out and it runs for a while.

     This time the dishwasher ran for less than two weeks after cleaning so I got tired of that. You have to take all the dishes out and wash them by hand. So I went to Mr You tube and found the perfect site that showed me exactly what to do. So I hope this cures the problem.

     Then I started thinking about my Mom. She never had a dishwasher and washed all dishes by hand. She didn't have running water either. About half the time there were extra people at the table. Once in a while she employed her little sons to wash dishes but I'm afraid that they were more of a nuisance than help. But we did wash quite a few dishes. 

     An elderly man lived about half a mile from our place. Very often he ate at our place. He was a good visitor. One time I was staying with my Dad and the "old man" dropped in. We had him stay for supper. I remember washing dishes with the old man while Dad did his chores with the animals. After that we hooked up the horses and took the old man home to his shack. 

     So my problem with the dishwasher wasn't that much compared to many years ago. Of course, they didn't have the problem of a dishwasher that wouldn't work. 


  1. I do love our dishwasher which Art insists on using only when the sun is up and we can power it from our solar panels. None of these machines these days seems to last more than a decade. I guess it's manufactured obsolescence.

    1. They've all got computer boards and they go wonky.

  2. What a wonderful story of being so kind to your old neighbor. Linda in Kansas

    1. We called always this old guy Grandpa.

  3. Washing up can be a companionable occupation. Filling the dishwasher can be, too, but it's not quite the same!

    1. For my brother and I it was a water fight.

  4. I don't mind washing dishes by hand but I do dislike cleaning out the pots, pans and other kitchen gadgets.

    1. I don't mind hand washing either. I do all the dishes around here.

  5. You and your family were so nice to that elderly man! What a nice memory to have of your time with him. My Mom had a dishwasher and a dishdryer, they were me and my sister! We hated doing dishes, we would scream and fight while doing them!

    1. My brother and I did the same thing. We got into trouble many times.

  6. You tied the current issue nicely with a memory. My parents, nor Sue’s for that matter, ever had a dishwasher, At least my family was small. We run ours once a week to keep it going, but otherwise we wash in the sink.

  7. We hardly ever use our dishwasher. Maybe on Thanksgiving.
    Have a great day and a happy weekend.

    1. Many couples use very few dishes. We use many dishes every day.

  8. Red, Interesting story. It reminds me of something I read a while back about the life of Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft. Gates did an “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit years ago and he mentioned he washed dishes with his family almost every night. He said he enjoyed the task and prefered to do it himself. How about that? As for myself, I'm in charge of the dishes here and enjoy loading them into the machine every night. 😊 John

    1. Gates was just an all round smart guy. He's also giving away truckloads of money.

  9. Thanks, Red! You reminded me that I had to go downstairs and turn on the dishwasher! ;)
    We are so spoiled with all of our conveniences, aren't we?!?

  10. We don't have a dishwasher, we just wash our own and mostly everyone pitches in!

    1. Well, you must be some of the very few without a dishwasher.

  11. My hubby didn't have running water or electricity on his farm. Quite the life growing up.

    1. We've gone through major changes. We know a very different kind of life,

  12. My pet peeve with dishwashers is that every cycle is so lonnnnng! And of course they use a lot of electricity. Do we really need them or have they been foisted upon us by electrical appliance companies?

    1. Machines that become obsolete very quickly have certainly been foisted on us.

  13. Modern technology (or, rather, "damned modern technology). Sometimes it creates more problems than it solves.

  14. YouTube can be so helpful sometimes. Great story too!

    1. You tube is surprising for what it has.

  15. I'm the dishwater at my house and I could care less. My wife cooks so I wash. :)

  16. I like reading your memories of the "old" days. It reminds me of my childhood.

  17. Dishes were the children's to wash when I was growing up.

  18. My daughter-in-law teases me because I wash the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher... and I never put pots in there. Those need to be washed by hand. And I too find washing dishes (like ironing which no one does anymore) calming.

  19. My grandmother refused to get a dishwasher and my brother and I always helped her wash dishes. I enjoyed it, actually. I still like doing dishes by hand occasionally, but I'm happy that we have the option of using a dishwasher!

  20. I've had the sticking problem before and ended up just squirting the soap into the bottom of the dang thing.

  21. My son and family moved to a house with no dishwasher after having one for a long time. It's amazing how his three kids adapted to doing the dishes because they had to.... a good lesson, if you want to eat, you have to help clear up!

  22. Our dishwasher broke down a while back, we've been washing dishes by hand ever since. Maybe we should look at a YouTube. Husband changed a whole faucet in our kitchen from watching one. He doesn't realize what a can of worms he's opened. Lots of stuff he can be fixing from now on, maybe even the dishwasher :)

  23. I am about to have a dishwasher after 30 years. I'm excited about this. I don't mind washing dishes by hand, but boy, when you are having a 'do' at your house with lots of people, or when you're just tired, that dishwasher is a nice thing to fall back on.
