Saturday, February 1, 2025


      Well, tomorrow is ground hog day when we get some very important information. We'll see what happens.

      When I was a little  beaner (kid) Ground hog day was always talked about in school. We probably had an art class or something on Groundhog day. We did go out and check the weather and discuss whether it was clear or cloudy. 

     However, in my little mind I could never make sense of ground hog day. First, out in the middle of Saskatchewan , there were no ground hogs and I knew that. How could a ground hog in Pennsylvania USA know what was going to happen? This ground hog was 2000 miles away. For that matter how in the world could a groundhog know about weather and make a forecast? So I spent ground hog day pondering these questions rather than having fun. 

     So where I am in Alberta, Canada, we have Balzac Billie who will tell us what's going on.   Balzac is just north of Calgary. 

     Well, now there are no groundhogs in Alberta so I'm not sure how the deed will get done. The odd ground hog has been seen in Alberta but there are no native animals. Ground hogs have been seen moving through the province. I thought I saw a ground hog one time but it turned out to be a beaver. 

     The custom of predicting when spring will come by using animals has a very long tradition. It's noted in various areas of Europe. Other animals were used as in some areas a bear was used to make the forecast. It seems that German speaking areas celebrated ground hog day more than other groups. 

     So where ever you are tomorrow enjoy your day.


  1. It's supposed to be a cloudy day here, so a groundhog here will not see it's shadow. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

    1. It was a dull day here with lots of blowing snow.

  2. I guess that animal and bird activity can indicate what kind of weather or temperature is about to come. Animals seem to be able to instinctively read the signs better than human beings. Locked in our warm houses with the TV on, we are somewhat sheltered from Mother Nature these days.

    1. Aboriginals have a very keen sense of direction and weather. Horses certainly know when the weather was changing,.

  3. I don’t remember Groundhog Day growing up in Newfoundland but it could have been a thing there too. Have a great week, Red.

    1. Ground hog day is commercialized to some extent now.

  4. I could never understand groundhog day either, Red. They say if he sees his shadow then he goes back in his hole and we will have 6 more weeks of winter. But that means spring in the middle of March and that seems early to me. But if it is cloudy and he doesn't see his shadow then spring will come early. But winter never ends earlier than March or April. So it makes no sense.

    1. That's exactly the way I reasoned when I was a little boy. It didn't make practical sense.

  5. Replies
    1. What's this suppose thing? Yes . it was meant to be a fun time but many of us didn't get it.

  6. Hey Red! You could have told us that Balzac Billie is a gopher.😎 I was wondering what he might be if there are no groundhogs to speak of.

    1. Actually it's a created stuffed toy. We have many Richardson's ground squirrels but they don.t use one.

  7. Are groundhogs the same as prairie dogs? You have prairie dogs, don't you? Maybe they could serve the same purpose!

    1. Ground hogs and prairie dogs are very different. The ground hog is a larger animal. We don't have prairie dogs. The are in Montana - North Dakota.

  8. Well, six more weeks of winter was predicted. Phil is often wrong and in this case, I hope that he is. I had no idea that you took any notice of groundhog day there, and I had no clue that it was a Germanic tradition, although it makes plenty of sense...the eastern side of our state is filled with towns with German names.

    1. There were more than Germans who had the tradition. It was quite well spread in Europe and that's how the tradition got here. We do like to have fun so why not do the groundhog thing?

  9. It's fun to try and predict the weather. Of course, for some (meteorologists) it's their job.

    1. We have a small bird , the junco. Juncos come into the feeder just before bad weather arrives.

  10. I heard that PETA wanted to get them to forget about Phil:) We don't have ground hogs here maybe Spring will come early:)

    1. Those PETA people are no fun.

    2. Phil lives a fine and pleasant life in a library. He has lots of food, and hiding places and a Mrs. He even has twins 'groundlings'. You can see all manner of pictures by typing in "Punxsutawney Phil home images". I'm not sure what PETA would have to complain about. He seems to living a very fine life compared to his wild groundhog brethren.

  11. Red, I needed a refresher on groundhog day. I remembered it had something to do with shadows … but couldn’t recall exactly. So, I looked it up: “On February 2nd, a groundhog emerges from its burrow. If the groundhog sees its shadow, it retreats back into its burrow, indicating that winter will last another six weeks. If the groundhog doesn't see its shadow, spring will come early.” Well, it’s overcast in Seattle today, so no shadows for the hog. Looks like more winter for us. Hope your day goes well. John

    1. Ground hog day is a fun little festival for a day. Have a great day. It is very cold and windy here . Minus 26 to 28 and lots of wind and drifting snow.

  12. It's a fun superstition, don't you think?

    1. Yes, it is but as a little boy I didn't get that part of it.

  13. Good info. Just don't let our idiots in the U.S. put a tariff on any visit to Canada from our groundhog. Linda in Kansas

    1. That guy would put a tariff on paint drying! It's hard to say where all this is going.


  14. Whatever critter predicts whatever, the calendar still says six more weeks of winter, but that means we are already half way through winter.

    1. The ground hog thing is only for some good fun.

  15. I'm enjoying it. Even went for a very short walk up the street and wore myself out. My legs ain't what they used to be.

    1. Yes, keep on walking. Keep away from the stick and the walker as long as you can.

  16. It's too dang cold here today for any animal to come out of their burrow!

    1. It is brutally cold with the high wind. I remember cross country skiing in the Kananaskis and we checked the temp and it was minus 27 C. It was comfortable. We were dressed for it and active.

  17. The Pennsylvania ghog said winter, the Ohio ghog said spring. I say weather, whether or not.

  18. I feel kind of bad for the little "you" Red, not having fun because of all the questions going through your young mind. It shows you were curious from the start!

    There is always a lot of publicity about this tradition here because of the provincial wildlife park and their "Sam" (we've had many "Sams" over the years). This year we get six more weeks of winter, which doesn't surprise me - we ALWAYS get six more week of winter after Feb 2 regardless of what the groundhog says :)

  19. With all that is going on in the news, I never heard Groundhog Day mentioned once. So I'm still in the dark as to the future prospects of spring.

  20. I felt related to little Red as I was not different than you as my mind would and still jump to questions rather than enjoying the event .
    I doubt if such day is celebrated here.but something like this from distant past seems to whisper from grandma

  21. We always saw the news about Punxsutawney Phil and his shadow when we lived in Illinois. I guess we don't need his predictions here in Hawaii. Granted Art is watching the Super Bowl right now and the elephant at the Honolulu Zoo has predicted that the Kansas City chiefs will win.
