Tuesday, February 4, 2025


       We have been having a cold spell lately. It's not breaking any records but it's cold. We've had lows of minus 30 C or minus 20 F. They're not records but it's a very uncomfortable time. We've had some snow and I don't like getting out to shovel. 

      Now those who have followed my blog will say, "What are you talking about? You have been bragging about how tough you are when it gets cold. When you were a little kid you played outside all winter. "

      Well that was then . This is now. I'm about 80 years older. I am also not dressing as well as I used to. I am not wearing my heavy winter under wear and that makes a lot of difference. 

    My Dad passed away 16 years ago yesterday. We had the funeral and burial about 5 days later. It was and extremely cold day when he was interred. It was so cold the preacher kept his tuque on. We did not stay long in the cemetery. Some people did not get out of their cars.

      My Mother died in late November of 1973. She was buried the day after the funeral about 100 miles away. Only  the immediate family was there for interment. Her four sons carried the casket through deep snow and you guessed it. It was cold.

      My sister died in Feb of 1953. So we went to the same cemetery and you guessed it in very cold weather. 

     So at this time of year we get the coldest weather of the year. We are used to it and if we're smart we'll dress appropriately. 


  1. Dressing appropriately really is key to being comfortable in cold weather, you're right. Layers, including thermal underwear, are helpful for that snow shovelling! (not expensive either)

    1. I've got used to not layering lately because I don't go out for long.

  2. Please dress appropriately. You don't want to attend any funerals. So barren and sad to think of the 4 sons with your Mom's casket, but so sweet you could muster doing that. Bundle up; yep, it's still cold! Linda in Kansas

    1. I will make sure that I stay warm even if I have to shovel faster.

  3. Red, well, all I can say is: This is a perfect post for early February in Red Deer. To tell you the truth … when I first started following you … over a decade ago … one of my thoughts at the time was: It will be interesting to read about the conditions in Red Deer, Alberta, during the winters. Hiawatha House has not disappointed! 😊 Get that heavy underwear on and stay warm! John

    1. I will stay warm. It depends what you are doing as to how you dress. Montana could also get cold.

  4. I've had a long, sleepless night and have seen that the temp was -21 although it is now up to -20. Since I've given up sleeping I have raised the thermostat to 19 from 15. I am layered and there is a small heater near my feet. We also buried my Dad on a cold winter day. In our nearby cemetery, there is a little building where they used to keep the corpses until the ground thawed.

    1. I hope you get the sleep issue solved. Sleep is necessary for good health. If I have a good sleep even my walking is better.

  5. Is your sister buried in Esk Red?
    When Canadians use the term "cold", they really mean it!

    1. Yes, My sister is buried at Esk in the Lutheran cemetery. The cemetery plot of land was donated by my great grandfather Gottlieb Klein.

  6. I hope you don't have too much shovelling to do.

    1. We don't large amounts of snow so I can survive the snow shoveling.

  7. My hubby is cold all the time, even in the house.
    I am ready for Spring, we have had too many cold days in a row.
    Take care, have a great day!

    1. I don't even think of spring here. W will have lots of cold nasty weather before we se spring.

  8. It's cold here, too. Not that cold, but enough for me to wear my long johns yesterday. Today too.

    1. You have a damp cold. I see others there complaining about the cold.

  9. You stay warm! It's only -22 today.

    1. It got up to minus 22 here today as well.

  10. I'm impressed that you can still shovel your own snow, Red! I can shovel if it is a light snow but my son shovels (or uses snowblower) if it is deep. Why don't you wear your heavy winter underwear if it's cold?

    1. I have no trouble shoveling snow. we don't get large amounts of snow and it's rarely wet. Since I'm in the house most of the time , long underwear is too hot and I don't like changing all the time.

  11. Your parents were buried in different cemeteries? It just seems that your mother would have wanted to be buried where her daughter was. I'm just guessing. I don't really know. I plan to be cremated, so Tim and I will not be buried at the same place.

    1. I wasn't clear on this. My Mom's funeral was 100 miles away so we went to the little cemetery where my sister and Dad are buried so they're all together.

  12. You beat us for the cold. Do you get the high winds with it? Here, the cold alone we’d manage, it’s the wind makes it hard to tolerate.

    1. Since we're a wide open country we get winds. We don't need a snow storm to have blowing snow.

  13. I don't care for the cold either. Years ago, it never bothered me.

    1. If we're out all the time we get used to the cold.

  14. Dress warmly! I can't imagine doing anything outdoors in 20-below weather.

    1. It's funny , but if you came here you'd get used to the cold very quickly. Olga would keep you outdoors. I have new neighbors from Nigeria. they are finding it difficult but usually people get used things very quickly.

  15. How are graves dug in frozen ground?

    1. Okay, you are asking for a history. We have about 6 in of top soil and then it's clay. In the old days they would start a coal fire and let it burn overnight. The next day they would shovel out the thawed dirt. They would then do the same thing the next day. Now they just bring in a back hoe and it's done .

  16. You said it dressing in the right clothing make a difference. My Mom died in Feb last year but we were able to inter her ashes the same day due to a warm spell:) It was nice to get it all done in one day...service and interment:)

  17. I've never experienced 30 degrees below zero... a maximum of around 20 degrees below zero and that's extremely rare. We have 3 degrees below zero at the moment and nice fresh air, I like to go out, no art in this heat :-)))
    Best wishes to you and I wish you a happy day.
    Hug from Viola

  18. My father died in Mesa, Arizona. He always said if he died in the winter to just keep his ashes until the next summer because the ground where he was to be buried (in Minnesota) would be thawed by then. I followed his wishes.

  19. Dear Red,your story of late funerals of loved ones due to cold weather makes my heart heavy!
    It’s never easy to say goodbye but when it aligns with such painful conditions,sad memories stay with us forever!
    I can understand how age changes us physically and mentally regarding weather. I experienced it as well.as a young girl I wanted everyday a cloudy day,but since some years cloudy days feel dull and make me slow as well. Now sun is greatest attraction of the day for me which inspires me to do as much as I can

  20. I do remember the rule when we lived in Chicago. We needed to keep our heads covered and dress in layers. It is rather lovely that we don't have to worry about the super cold here in Hawaii.
