Tuesday, March 11, 2025


      I like to be able to just stand outside for a while on these pleasant March days. 

     Small flocks of Canada geese are flying over. You can hear the honking and after a while the small flock comes into view. These early flocks are probably not going to stay here. At this time of year these flocks are probably going to end up some place in the Arctic. They arrive in the north long before the ice melts. There's enough debris on the ice for food. 

     Aboriginals do a lot of goose hunting in the spring. They can sneak up on the birds and make their kill. 

    Then, strangely enough , I like spring storms. We had one two days ago. I looked out at midnight and the air was full of swirling snow. We had about 6 in of snow by morning. I had some good exercise shoveling snow. 

   We get most of our snow in March.

    I was enjoying the geese and forgot about photos. I was shoveling so hard I also forgot about photos. 

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