Tuesday, December 8, 2020


     Most of us have had the misfortune to run into some one who is irrational. Most of the time we have a sense that something isn't right and we come away with out damage. But there are times when an irrational event can turn serious and damage is done.

    What I'm trying to talk about is people who are irrational. We meet people who are a little irrational from time to time and then we meet others who are seriously disturbed most of the time.

     I am sometimes in contact with one person who continuously thinks that other people are always out to harm her. There's nothing you can do that will persuade her that people are not out to get her. 

    I am sometimes in contact with a guy who continuously makes a mountain out of a mole hill. The salt shaker tips over on the table and it's like a national disaster. 

   These people are an inconvenience. 

   Then there are others who get into more serious trouble. The schizophrenics can cause very serious problems . Many get shot when there is an alteration with police. 

   Some have no idea of reality. They have no idea how to deal with other people. They are not able to make reasonable judgements. 

   What made me think of this topic is Trump's behavior towards the recent election. He believes he won the election. He believes that somehow the election was stolen. He believes that there was massive fraud to influence the election results. He has made  many attempts to have the election results over turned. He has requested some very illegal actions when he asks a legislature to overturn election results.  He has requested that certain votes should not be counted and then the total votes would be in his favor.

    These actions are irrational. They do not line up with the reality. Unfortunately in this case  there does not seem to be any successful strategy to deal successfully with his irrationality.

    Watching what is going on is alarming and you wonder where  and when it will end.


  1. I honestly believe that he knows he lost the election. However he is used to pulling strings and bullying and bribing to get his way. It's not working for him this time and it's making him look ridiculous. I cannot wait for him to be gone. The Supreme Court has denied his case. There were no dissenting opinions, even with Kavanaugh and Comey carefully placed for his own purposes. He's done. The fact that he can only obsess about this election while his countrymen die by the hundreds every. single. day. shows his unfitness for the office he holds (although not for much longer!)

    1. He may know that he lost the election but there is a part of him that is warped so that he will try anything legal or illegal to get his job back.

  2. In this case it is dangerous that this man is a president of a big country with much influence in the world. We keep our fingers crossed, that he finally will disappear.

    1. He may disappear but he's still going to make a lot of noise.

  3. So true, some people they will never admit they are wrong. Trump is a loser and he will never admit it. He expects people to keep believing his lies, he repeats the lies so often his followers will believe whatever he says as the truth. He has a record number of lies over the last 4-5 years, the historians have fact checked everything he says. I can't wait until he is gone. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. there's a lot of judgement missing in the Trump supporters.

  4. I suspect that Trump is well aware of reality. He lies for his own ends as soon as his lips start to move. It is his army of slavish supporters who follow him like a messiah who are irrational. Hilary Clinton was quite correct when she termed them a basket of deplorables; her mistake was in voicing it out loud.

  5. It is possible that his actions are very rational, for it has been reported that he has raised many millions of dollars in support of his campaign. A few days ago, I am sure that I read that the contributions were well over $200 million.

  6. Irrationality. There's a lot of it about. People who think the virus is a hoax even though they can see the bodies piling up now don't want to get vaccinated even though there's no evidence visible or otherwise to say it'll harm them.

    It's a popular political tactic these days - try to gain and retain the loyalty of irrational people. There's no reasoning with them and, every election they'll stick to you like glue. A clever tactic in a world where elections are often close.

    1. Politicians are also clever at dividing the people to their own advantage.

  7. He knows the difference but he can raise money if he continues this charade. It’s all about the money!

    1. It's a shrewd way to make money all the while you are complaining.

  8. I think the president is a disturbed individual, and having read his niece's book makes me sure that if he could, he would destroy the country out of revenge. It's terrifying and who knows where we will end up?

    1. We talk about checks and balances but is there really anything to stop him from proclaiming himself president for life?

  9. You have made some very valid points, Red, and hearing about all this political nonsense, must make you very happy to be a Canadian.

    1. We are not innocent here either. We have some groups that are far out.

  10. Well, fortunately he's been kept in check by the courts. But even people in his own party are aiding and abetting his delusions -- partly because they're terrified of his fervent supporters. They're mostly afraid the supporters will oust them from office when their own time comes for re-election, but I read one Pennsylvania official say if she opposed Trump his supporters might bomb her house! And that's the danger of Trump and his delusional response to the election -- it fosters a climate of anger and hostility and even potential violence, as well as a fundamental mistrust of the elections system.

    1. Some of his supporters have said some very violent things. People protesting and walking around with guns is a bad mix.

  11. I loved reading this, Red. I can't imagine what it must be like watching us unravel like this under the bizarre, crazy, psychopathic rantings of this maniac President. He just never shuts up. I am utterly blown away by his supporters. That scares me more than anything.

    1. Yes, his supporters are irrational. They have thrown their good judgement out the window.

  12. We had to terminate a friendship. He was desperately depressed, and totally irrational. He'd send out monthly newsletters to his email friends. The worst hospital visit in the world. The worst doctors. etc, etc. When JB was in for surgery, etc.
    I do agree with many that Trump knows what he is doing.Screwing things for Biden.

    1. He is an extremely vindictive person. Biden is not biting at any of Trump's outrageous antics.

  13. I thought of Trump as soon as I saw the title to your post, Red! Trump has been acting like this for 4 years! Now Trump is ranting so he can make money and stay out of prison! What is worse are all of the Republicans that will not stand up to him. It is nuts and scary. January 20th cannot come quick enough.

    1. I suspect there will be many pardons before the 20th.

  14. And the worst part is that even after he's removed from the White House, he won't shut up and go away.

  15. I totally agree with David M. Gascoigne's comment above. Trump knows what he's doing and it works for him unfortunately.

  16. I think Trump purposely appeals to the irrational in people -- which explains why he's as popular as he is.

  17. Hi Red, This is an excellent post. You have done a perfect job of summing up Trump. Imagine what it is like for those of us who must call him our President. For me, it has been a nightmare for 4 years. I will not really feel good about the USA again until January 20th at noon when Biden is sworn in. There is no doubt that Trump is mentally ill but those around him are so inept that they will do nothing about it. I pray that we get through to January 20 without some kind of disaster. Another disturbing thing ... The large number of Americans who did vote for him. In my opinion, those people have not evolved in their humanity enough to appreciate what life is all about. It is sad. Thank you, Red, for sharing your thoughts on this.

  18. I believe he is a seriously mentally disturbed individual. It frightens me to no end that a person such as this has been the President of our country for four years. I just hope he leaves the White House without doing any more damage to anyone or anything. He cannot be trusted.

  19. I feel that we could all be in for a very rocky time. The problem is that what Trump does affects a lot more people than just the American people.

  20. Sadly this won't end with Trump gone from office. He has stirred deep, deep anger in too many irrational people in this country. I read tonight the Arizona GOP has asked if fellow Republicans are willing to die for their believing Trump won the election.

  21. I agree with you about Trump, but I just don't even want to waste my energy on him any more.

  22. Train wreck is a good description. A train wreck in slow motion.

  23. I genuinely think that Trump is suffering from some sort of mental illness. His narcissism goes way beyond normal bounds. His endless tweeting is focused almost exclusively on his election defeat with no thought for the 300,000 Americans who have died because of COVID 19. Many more will die and it is partly down to his neglectful leadership. He just does not care.

  24. They’re beyond irrational. They are calculated and evil acts by someone determined to get his own way no matter what he damages in the process.

  25. I disagree. He knows he lost the election, but he has been able to reverse things by stealing and lying and he hopes it would work this time. He has many lawsuits ahead and that has him worried.

  26. In all my years, I've never seen a presidency like this south of us. Even when he leaves office, he will still make noise and cause problems. I hope the craziness on our side of the border never reaches that level. I shudder to think...

  27. Hi Red, The excellent news is that our Supreme Court would not even hear Trumps last "hail mary" lawsuit he got the TEXAS Attorney General to file against 4 other states trying to overturn the election. The Electorial College meets on Monday and that should bring closure to this pathetic attemp to overturn the election.
