Monday, October 31, 2022


         Everybody needs a little brother.


       So my little brother is on the left. The little old guy with white hair is me!

      So little brothers are good for playing, pushing, shoving and generally being a nuisance with the assistance of their older brother. 

      They also kept you warm at night. When we were little we had a very small two bedroom house. All the kids slept in one bed. Did I say the house was could? Yes , so we slept in one pile and kept each other warm. 

      We had lots of good fights with rhubarb stalks. We would each find the biggest rhubarb stalk we could find and then we'd start wailing on each other. Usually the soft leafy part would breakoff and then we just had the heavy stalk to beat one another. 

     Now you look at the difference in size and you may be wondering about the little brother stuff. No, we weren't adopted. We always said our Mom was 4 ft. nothing even though she was about 5 ft. . Our dad was over 6 ft tall. Two of us were tall and two of us were small. 

     Just for the record I was the biggest until we hit puberty. I quit growing  and my brother had a growth spurt. 

     Now we are 82 and 83. We don't do these things anymore but I look back at the fun we had growing up. 


  1. It's goo you still have your baby brother to play fight with *wink.

    1. At our age we're fortunate to be in good health.

  2. What fun memories! I'm surprised your Mom let you use some of the crops for toys. You two look pretty good considering the backyard warfare. Linda in Kansas

    1. We did not have much supervision even when we were very young.

  3. For me it was sisters. We three girls were the oldest, each two years apart. We had little brothers too, but they were siblings we were charged with taking care of.
    We had rhubarb, but we never thought to use it as a weapon. I think my mother would have considered it wasting food and disapproved. :-)

  4. It is good to have a little brother! :)


  5. I've got a baby sister who finally outgrew the annoying part. I think it was about the same time she turned 40 or there abouts.

    1. My sister and I are great teasers. To this very day!

  6. Great photo of you and your brother. I hope all your memories are happy! Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    1. Most people tend to remember only the good things in their life.

  7. I've seen a lot of rhubarb but have only thought about it in terms of pies and cobblers, never as a weapon!

    1. If your 3 or 4 everything is a game. the rhubarb episodes were games.

  8. I get on fine with my younger brother.

  9. Great to see you and you little brother, Red. You guys were close in age if not size. Great memories of rhubarb stalks!

    1. We are less than a year apart...Irish twins.

  10. Maybe you should smack each other with a rhubarb stick for old times' sake!

    My brother and I used to fight all the time, but we never threw punches or caused serious harm. And now we get along great, fortunately!

    1. We'd be laughing too much to swing the rhubarb at one another.

  11. Nice picture! It's fun to look back at how we grew up. :-)

    1. I don't see my brothers very often so it's fun when we get together.

  12. Your "little brother" has gotten bigger than you so it is good you don't beat each other with rhubarb anymore! Sounds like you have lots of fun memories to share! I am lucky to have my 3 siblings living in the same city as me!

    1. I'm the only one who moved away. I live about 500 miles from my brothers.

  13. That's a lovely photo of you and your brother. Reading of your childhood bedroom reminded me of the two-bedroom apartment my family lived in until I was 8 years old. All four kids slept in one bedroom. My sister and I shared a bed, and my brothers shared a bed. It was quite cozy.

    1. My brother and I slept in the same bed even after we got a new house with enough bedrooms.

  14. The stories you guys could tell. :) I have two sisters but no brothers.

    1. You're right. we could tell stories and do tell stories.

  15. This is a fun post! What a life you have led!

    1. As very little kids we had very little supervision so had many adventures that other kids wouldn't have.

  16. Great post Keith! I had three younger sisters so never had such luck!😄

  17. Ha ha. Reminds me of my older sister. We fought all the time. She beat me up endlessly. Until I finally got big enough to hold my own. I won one fight ... and then she would never fight me again. My record: W1; L55.

  18. So lovely you still have each other.

  19. You never know how the genes will mix. Both parents were short and 3/4 grandparents. I inherited the ‘tall-ish’ from that one grandfather.

  20. I have twin sons. Although they were about the same size at birth now one is 6'4" and the other is 5'10". Different body types too. I'm pretty tall and my husband is average - we are actually about the same height. It is interesting how genetics works.

    My siblings and I never fought much, and as adults we get along great. They are treasures.

  21. Awww... I love this, Red. It's wonderful to have a little brother to share memories with. That's what I do with mine.

  22. Lovely to see you with your brother Red. Great memories!

  23. Wow, looking back over 82 and 83 years ... that is interesting!
