Thursday, June 15, 2023


       This last while I have been dissatisfied with my photos. They seem to be a bit fuzzy and out of focus. I've been in a hurry and I haven't stopped to check things out.     

      I was beginning to think that I might need a new camera. My camera is about 5 or 6 years old and is a Nikon L830 which is  lower end camera. But then, I'm a lower end photographer. So finally , I found some time and went out in the back yard to do some testing. I suspicioned that there might be some shake from me so I propped myself up a bit. I found that I could still get a reasonable photo from the camera. I also found that I had to take more time and be more precise with focusing. 

      And on to another issue. You've been looking at this photo for a long time. How long? Since Oct. of 2014. So nine years ago. Do we update our photos or leave them at a younger age? If I look at this photo long enough will it be imprinted on my brain and I will think that I'm this age? 

      Well, okay how about an update?

     Well, I've decided that there must be something wrong with my camera after all!


  1. Oh Red this did make me laugh. I shall now have to fiddle w ith my imagination when thinking of you on the Glacier.

    1. Oops! Sorry about that! The last time I was on the glacier was in my late 50's.

  2. Oh Red this did make me laugh. I shall now have to fiddle with my imagination when thinking of you on the glacier.

  3. it’s a different look to be sure. 😀

  4. Hello,
    It is hard to hold the camera still unless you can lean on something.
    Most of the time I do not like photos of myself. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. Eyes are also part of the puzzle. Our eyes have to tell us when things are in focus.

  5. I like your sense of humor. You look great and so do your other photos. It is very nice to see older photos but good to see updated ones too.

  6. I'm not one to look in the mirror very often. Not much hair to tend and I can brush teeth in the dark. So sometimes when I do check out my mug in the mirror, I'm a bit taken aback too.

    1. When we see ourselves in a different situation , it is a little startling sometimes.

  7. I'm glad you figured out that it wasn't the camera that was causing the photo issues. It does get harder to keep focused and steady as we get older. But I think it keeps us young to keep on trying. You look great, Red!

    1. I just had to stop and regroup on the camera bit.

  8. You just forgot to smile, Red! That will make all of the difference in your updated photo! :)

    1. yes, it's one of those awful selfies.

  9. A smile will show you are happy with the new updated photo. :)

    1. It was a very poor selfie So I have some more practising to do.

  10. Smile next time. It will make all the difference.

  11. Looking pretty grim Red. I wouldn't have recognized you without that smile! My picture is old. Probably 12 years old, actually. I keep thinking I should replace it, but you know, Tim took that picture and it was taken just days before I was diagnosed with cancer. I had no inkling. Somehow I get sentimental about that picture.

  12. I find that I have to remember to stabilize more as my age means I shake ever so slightly I also tend to be sloppy and move and shoot instead of taking my time. My cameras are high end and decades old so cannot use that as an excuse.

  13. You look pretty good for an old guy, Red. And I think your camera is doing just fine. Thanks for the photo update, made me smile. :-)

  14. Ha! Well, for what it's worth, my Blogger photo is from 2006 -- so it's even more out of date than yours! I'm glad you determined that your camera is OK and good pictures can still be had.

  15. I did a literal LOL when I got to the end of this post. Red, you don’t look that bad! In that last picture you weren’t smiling as much as in the earlier one. 😊 Your photography is fine and I, for one, hope to see more of it on Hiawatha House. Keep up the good work!

  16. LOL! It's funny I was have a video chat with my grandson, and happened to glance at the frame he sees of me. My immediate thought was, who is that old woman? So I totally understand how your camera might be out of whack. :)

  17. The new picture looks like it has been taken by The Red Deer Police. Have you been caught speeding again? Get Jean to take some new pictures of her beloved and this time SMILE!

  18. Hahaha. Your photos are quite good, especially the last one. Keep on keepin' on, Red!

  19. I have sometimes shaky hands and need some support to guarantee a clear photo. I have an old but pretty decent Canon camera and my son said it had a "thing" to compensate for that and he turned it on. Much better. Don't know what it was. I'm not very tuned into that kind of magic anymore.
